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SEAC4RS Science Meeting April 28 ~ May 1st, 2015

SEAC4RS Science Team Meeting
28 April – 1 May 2015
Beckman Institute Auditorium – California Institute of Technology 400 South Wilson Avenue, Pasadena, CA
(Between East Del Mar Boulevard and East California Boulevard – Building 74 on <http://www.caltech.edu/map>)


Please note that all times include presentation and discussion

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

0730 Registration

0830 Mission Overview – Brian Toon, Moderator

0830 Welcome to Caltech – Paul Wennberg
0835 Meeting logistics – Kathy Thompson
0840 Introduction and NASA Headquarters Perspective – Hal Maring, Ken Jucks, Alex Pszenny,  Richard Eckman, and Robert Swap
0900 SEAC
4RS Overview – Data Status, Submitted or Published Manuscripts – Brian Toon
0915 A Meteorological Overview of the SEAC
4RS Mission – Lenny Pfister

0945 Break

1015 SEAC4RS Studies Related to Biomass Combustion – Hal Maring, Moderator

1015 An Overview of SEAC4RS Contributions to Better Understanding of Biomass Burning – Bob Yokelson (presented by Jeff Reid)

1045 Revealing Important Nocturnal and Day-to-Day Variations in Fire Smoke Emissions through a Novel Multiplatform Inversion – Pablo Saide

1100 Evolution of Brown Carbon in RIM Fires – Rodney Weber
1115 Rim Fire Simulated in CESM/CARMA – Pengfei Yu
1130 Radiative Heating Rates of Forest Fire Smoke during SEAC
4RS – Anthony Bucholtz
1145 Comparison and Evaluation of Fire Emissions in a Global Chemistry Model with SEAC

Observations – Mijeong Park

1200 Lunch

1330 SEAC4RS Studies of the Microphysics, Dynamics, and Radiative Properties of Clouds – Jay Mace, Moderator

1330 Overview of Cloud and Convection Flights and Studies during SEAC4RS – Johnny Luo
1400 On the Relationship between Marine and Continental Convective Cloud Vertical Ice Mass
Distribution, Optical Characteristics, and Cloud-Base Microphysical Characteristics, Using Observations during SEAC4RS – Melody Avery
1415 Wet Scavenging of Soluble Species in Deep Convective Storms in the Central U.S. Using
Aircraft Observations and WRF-Chem Simulations – Megan Bela

Tuesday, 28 April 2015 (continued)

1430 Microphysical Characteristics and Nucleation Mechanisms in Synoptic and Anvil Cirrus – Bruce Gandrud

1445 High-Resolution Simulations of Deep Convection: Nesting from MESO to LES to Study Convective Dynamics and Microphysics – Nick Heath

1500 Integration of Satellite, NEXRAD Radar Network and In Situ Aircraft Observations Addressing Deep Stratospheric Convective Injection over the U.S. in Summer – Jim Anderson

1515 Break and Poster Session 1 – See Titles Attached
1715 Adjourn for the Day

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

0730 Registration for New Arrivals

0830 SEAC4RS Studies of the Microphysics, Dynamics, and Radiative Properties of Clouds (continued) – Ken Jucks, Moderator

0830 New Cirrus Retrieval Algorithms and Results from eMAS during SEAC4RS – Bob Holz
0845 Improving CALIPSO Ice Cloud Optical Thickness and Ice Water Content Retrievals Using SEAC
4RS Aircraft Observations – Bob Holz
0900 Linking the Radiative Energy Budget and Remote Sensing of Complex Cloud and Aerosol Fields – Sebastian Schmidt
0915 Variation of Ice Crystal Size, Shape, and Asymmetry Parameter in Tops of Convective Storm
Systems Observed during SEAC4RS – Bastiaan van Diedenhoven
0930 Coordinated Observations of Cloud Microphysical and Dynamical Properties from Multiple
Aircraft during SEAC4RS 2013 – Sara Lance (presented by Paul Lawson)
0945 Cloud Properties Retrieved from Airborne Measurements of Transmitted and Reflected
Shortwave Spectral Radiation – Samuel LeBlanc
1000 Validation of Satellite-Retrieved Cloud Properties Using SEAC
4RS Data – Pat Minnis
1015 Radar Remote Sensing Microphysical Processes: A Novel Use of SEAC
4RS In Situ Cloud Measurements – Jay Mace

1030 Break
1100 SEAC
4RS Studies of the UT/LS – Ken Jucks, Moderator

1100 Overview of UT/LS Science Issues and New Information from SEAC4RS – Steve Wofsy
1130 Assessing the Impact of Anticyclonic Flow and Convection on Stratospheric Composition over North America during the Summertime – Jasna Pittman
1145 Analysis of Convectively Sourced Water Vapor in the Overworld Stratosphere at Northern
Midlatitudes: A Detailed Case Study of the August 27th Plume Encounter during SEAC4RS – Jessica Smith

1200 Lunch

Wednesday, 29 April 2015 (continued)

1330 SEAC4RS Studies of the UT/LS (continued) – Paul Newman, Moderator

1330 Understanding the Role Microphysics Plays in Convective Transport of Ice into the UTLS – Paul Lawson

1345 An Examination of Convective Transport of Chemical Compounds from the Surface to the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere: An Analysis Using SEAC4RS Observations and the GEOS-5 Model – Qing Liang

1400 Why Were There So Few Observations of Enhanced Water Vapor in the Lower Stratosphere over Houston during SEAC4RS? – Rennie Selkirk

1415 Stratospheric Intrusions Observed from Aircraft Profiles and Ozonesondes during SEAC4RS – Anne Thompson

1430 The Impact of Overshooting Convection on Stratospheric Water Concentrations during SEAC4RS: Three Case Studies – Bob Herman

1445 A Three-Way Street: MISR and MODIS Provide Context, SEAC4RS Provides Detail and Validation, and Models Complete the Picture – Ralph Kahn

1500 Break

1515 Working Group Meetings

Breakout sessions will be held in the Auditorium, the Buwalda Room (151 Arms – Building 25), and the Salvatori Room (365 South Mudd – Building 21 – third floor, outside on roof patio). Specific room assignments for each group will be made during the meeting.

1515-1615 Session 1

A. Comparisons of Reactive Nitrogen Measurements – Ron Cohen, Organizer – Auditorium

B. Data Quality, Intercomparisons, and Combination – Jeff Reid, OrganizerBuwalda Room

C. The 19 August 3-Way Street (In Situ, Satellite, Model Synthesis) – Ralph Kahn, Organizer – Salvatori Room 

1630-1730 Session 2

D. Transport Processes, Including Convective Dynamics and Microphysics, Controlling NAM Lower Stratospheric Composition – Lenny Pfister, Organizer – Buwalda Room

E. The Variation of Observed Ice Cloud Microphysics and Possible Links to the Environment  – Bastiaan van Diedenhoven, Organizer – Salvatori Room

F. Tropospheric Chemistry – Daniel Jacob, Organizer – Auditorium

1730 Adjourn for the Day

Thursday, 30 April 2015

0730 Registration for New Arrivals

0830 SEAC4RS Studies of Tropospheric Chemistry – Alex Pszenny, Moderator

0830 Tropospheric Chemistry Breakout Group Report: Further Analyses of SEAC4RS Data – Daniel Jacob

0900 Isoprene Nitrate Chemistry in the Southeast U.S.: Constraints from GEOS-Chem and SEAC4RS – Jenny Fisher

0915 Formaldehyde Scavenging Efficiency Determinations in Convective Clouds: Comparisons of Select SEAC4RS Data with DC3 Results – Alan Fried

0930 Characterization of Size-Resolved Aerosol Hygroscopicity on the NASA DC-8 during SEAC4RS – Taylor Shingler

0945 Declining NOx in the Southeast U.S. and Implications for Ozone-NOx-VOC Chemistry – Katie Travis

1000 Break

1030 SEAC4RS Studies of Tropospheric Chemistry (continued) – Alex Pszenny, Moderator

1030 Isoprene Emission in the Eastern U.S. from Flux Towers, Aircraft, Satellites, and Models – Nadine Unger

1045 Impact of Grid Resolution on Tropospheric Chemistry Simulation Constrained by Observations from the SEAC4RS Aircraft Campaign – Karen Yu

1100 Indirect Validation of New OMI, GOME-2, and OMPS Formaldehyde (HCHO) Retrievals Using SEAC4RS Data – Lei Zhu

1115 New Constraints on the Isoprene Nitrate Chemistry from SEAC4RS – Paul Wennberg
1130 A Mechanistic Model of Isoprene Aerosol Formation for Improved Understanding of Organic Aerosol Composition – Eloise Marais

1145 Lunch
1330 SEAC
4RS Studies of Tropospheric Aerosols – Bob Swap, Moderator

1330 The Measured Aerosol Environment during SEAC4RS: Synopsis and Context –– Jeff Reid
1400 Relating Aerosol Mass and Optical Depth in the Southeastern U.S. – Chuck Brock
1415 SOA Derived from Isoprene Epoxydiols: Insights into Formation, Aging, and Distribution over the Continental U.S. from the DC3 and SEAC
4RS Campaigns – Pedro Campuzano-Jost
1430 Characterization of Aerosol Properties with AirMSPI Polarimetric Data Acquired during the SEAC
4RS Campaign – Olga Kalashnikova
1445 Airborne Measurements of Mineral Dust Abundance and Mixing State – Karl Froyd
1500 Comparing DC3 and SEAC
4RS Aerosol Data with Ground Networks – Dan Murphy
1515 Issues in Organic Aerosol Intercomparisons of Aircraft with Ground Networks – Jose Jimenez
1520 Remote Sensing of Spectral Absorption by Aerosols Above Clouds – Brian Cairns

1535 Break and Poster Session 2 – See Titles Attached
1730 Adjourn for the Day

Poster Group 1 – Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Arnold, Tom (presented by Bob Holz))

Beyersdorf, Andreas

Beyersdorf, Andreas

Blake, Nicola

Campbell, James

Chatfield, Bob

Chen, Gao

Clapp, Corey

Dean-Day, Jonathan

Diskin, Glenn

Espinosa, Reed

Schwarz, Joshua (presented by Ru-Shan Gao)

Hair, John

Hall, Sam

Hyer, Edward

Kuehn, Ralph

Liu, Xiaoxi

Meland, Brian (presented by Bruce Gandrud)

Poster Group 2 – Thursday April 30, 2015

Bedka, Kris (presented by Pat Minnis)

Nault, Benjamin

Newman, Paul

Peterson, David

Ray, Eric

Remer, Lorraine

Schauffler, Sue

Seidel, Felix

Simpson, Isobel

Sinclair, Ken

Teng, Alex

Ullmann, Kirk

Wilkins, Joseph

Wilmouth, David

Wolfe, Glenn

Yates, Emma

Ziemba, Luke