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Gina Patrick at VTC after 1st Landing in Guam (1.17.14)

ATTREX 01/17/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX GH Overview:

-   With the successful Ferry/Science Flight from DFRC to AAFB in Guam – preparations are now being made for the first ATTREX Science flight from AAFB.

-   Several items are being worked – details below

-   All times and dates for this and future Status and Schedule Updates will be in Guam (CHST) Time/Date (UTC+10hr)

Today’s Accomplishments:

ATTREX 01/17/14 Daily Schedule

The Aircraft is in Guam!

NASA AV-6 landed a short while ago at AAFB in Guam after an ~20 hr flight from EAFB.

It has just been towed in to the hangar. The aircraft is being weighed and then it will be refueled.

Instrument access will be at noon Guam time.


A more complete schedule outlook will be provided later today.

Aircraft Weighing (1.15.14)

PreFlight for Guam Transit HUPCRS (1.15.14)

PreFlight for Guam Transit UCATS (1.15.14)

ATTREX 01/15/14 Daily Schedule

Today's Overview:

ATTREX 01/14/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX GH Overview:

  • ATTREX Instruments Ready for final pre-flight procedures.
  • A/C To PMOF (Guam) Comm Testing Guam successfully accomplished on Jan 9th.
  • ATTREX air cargo picked up. ETA to Guam: Jan 16th and at AAFB: Jan 17th.

Today's Accomplishments:

ATTREX 01/13/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:
  • ATTREX Instruments Ready for final pre-flight procedures.


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