Associated content: 

Two very rain-soaked GH Pilots

Rain at AAFB Front Gate

ATTREX 01/22/14 Daily Schedule

GH Overview:
- Rain, Rain… (Deluge, deluge) go away.
- Pics to prove the point.
Today’s Accomplishments:
- Final activity by Instrument Teams prior to preflight for first Science Flight
- Some teams have completed their pre-flight activity.
- Announcement of a 1-day delay in the Science Flt.
The Plan for tomorrow (Thursday) is:

FCDP-Hawkeye Team at work

NOAA UCATS lab activity

ATTREX 01/21/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

- Instrument and GH Team continue to prepare for the first Science Flight

- Pics of some of today’s activity in the Instrument Trailers…


Today’s Accomplishments:

- Final activity by Instrument Teams prior to preflight for first Science Flight

- The Hawkeye Team (with Avionics and Data-IT support) successfully implemented and tested the new MPCS I.L. control of their Heaters.

- Some teams completed their preflight activity on the aircraft.

- Science Team Meeting


ATTREX 01/20/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

- There will be a 24-hr postponement of the first Science flight due to the need for NGC Engineering to perform an analysis to clear the Hawkeye Pylon mount for this flight.

Pilot flight planning for the first science flight

Science mission planning for first science flight

ATTREX 01/19/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:


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