TC4 Science - Papers

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Title Author
Planning and Implementation of the Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Experiment (TC4) Brian Toon
Low ozone bubbles observed in the tropical tropopause layer during the TC4 campaign in 2007 Irina Petropavlovskikh
In situ and lidar observations of subvisible cirrus clouds during TC4 Sean Davis
The effect of local and regional sources on the isotopic composition of nitrous oxide in the tropical free troposphere and tropopause layer Kristie Boering
Convective and wave signatures in ozone profiles over the equatorial Americas: Views from TC4 (2007) and SHADOZ Anne Thompson
The Detailed Structure of the Tropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere as Revealed by Balloonsonde Observations Of Water Vapor, Ozone, Temperature and Winds During The NASA TCSP And TC4 Campaigns Rennie Selkirk
Directly Measured Heating Rates of a Tropical Subvisible Cirrus Cloud Anthony Bucholtz
Observations of ozone production in a dissipating tropical convective cell during TC4 Gary A. Morris
Evidence of Nitric Acid Uptake in Warm Cirrus Anvil Clouds during the NASA TC4 Campaign Eric Scheuer
The influence of convection on the water isotopic composition of the TTL and tropical stratosphere David Sayres
Remote Sensing of Radiative and Microphysical Properties of Clouds during TC4: Results from MAS, MASTER, MODIS, and MISR Michael D. King
Cloud Properties Determined From GOES and MODIS Data During TC4 Patrick Minnis
Evaluation of Satellite-based Upper-troposphere Cloud-top Height Retrievals in Multilayer Cloud Conditions During TC4 Fu-Lung Chang
GOES-12 Observations of Convective Storm Variability and Evolution During the TC4 Field Program Kristopher M. Bedka
Comparison of GOES-retrieved and in-situ Measurements of Deep Convective Anvil Cloud Microphysical Properties During TC4 Christopher R. Yost
A Meteorological Overview of the TC4 mission Leonhard Pfister
Lightning-generated NOx seen by OMI during NASA's TC4 experiment Eric J. Bucsela
Cirrus spatial heterogeneity and ice crystal shape: Effects on remote sensing of cirrus optical thickness and effective crystal radius H. Eichler
Observations and modeling of ice cloud shortwave spectral albedo during the Tropical Composition, Cloud and Climate Coupling Experiment Bruce C. Kindel
Apparent and Real Absorption of Solar Spectral Irradiance in Heterogeneous Ice Clouds K. Sebastian Schmidt
Convective Distribution of Tropospheric Ozone and Tracers in the Central American ITCZ Region: Evidence from Observations During TC4 Melody Avery


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