NASA - NOAA Plan of the Day
Sunday, August 6 (All Times are EDT):
Hard Down Day for all aircraft. No hangar access unless needed (contact ESPO ASAP)
1030: Forecasting Meeting (Flight Operations Center at Courtyard Marriott and Webex)
NASA - NOAA Plan of the Day
Saturday August 5: (All Times are EDT)
0530: ESPO on Deck
1030: Forecasting Meeting (Flight Operations Center at Courtyard Marriott and virtual via Webex)
***Please bring your passports in case of a diversion to Canada***
NASA DC-8 AEROMMA Science Flight 10 (Toronto Flight #2)
2100: Aircrew Rest Begins (Friday, August 4)
NASA - NOAA Plan of the Day
Friday August 4: (All Times are EDT/Local)
0530: ESPO on Deck
1030: Forecasting Meeting (Virtual via Webex)
NASA - NOAA Plan of the Day
Thursday, August 3 (All Times are EDT/Local):
0700: ESPO on Deck
1030: Forecasting Meeting (Virtual via Webex)
1230 - 1400: Media Day (Building 206 Hangar)
1400 - 1500: AEROMMA/STAQS Group Photo (Building 206 Hangar)
0900 - 0930: PALMS and CIT-CIMS servicing
0930 - 1730: Instrument access
NASA - NOAA Plan of the Day
Wednesday August 2: (All Times are EDT/Local)
0530: ESPO on Deck
1030: Forecasting Meeting (Virtual via Webex)
NASA - NOAA Plan of the Day
Tuesday August 1: (All Times are EDT/Local)
0530: ESPO on Deck
1030: Forecasting Meeting (Virtual via Webex)
G-III will not be flying tomorrow over Baltimore due to weather. See updated schedule for Monday below.
Monday, July 31 (All Times are EDT/Local):
0800 ESPO on deck.
1030: Forecasting Meeting (Off site at Courtyard Marriott and Webex)
0900 - 1730: Instrument access
NASA LaRC G-III (Instrument Access Day)
0900: Access start
NASA - NOAA Plan of the Day
Sunday, July 30 (All Times are EDT/Local):
Hard down day for all aircraft.
1030: Forecasting Meeting (Off site at Courtyard Marriott and Webex)
No aircraft access.
NASA - NOAA Plan of the Day
Saturday, July 29: (All Times are EDT/Local):
0800: ESPO on Deck
1030: Forecasting Meeting (Off site at Courtyard Marriott and Webex)
0900 - 0930: PALMS & CIT-CIMS Servicing
0930 - 1730: Instrument access
0900 - 1500: Instrument access
0930: Egress training