Space-based remote sensing of atmospheric aerosols: The multi-angle...

Kokhanovsky, A. A., A. B. Davis, B. Cairns, O. Dubovik, O. P. Hasekamp, I. Sano, S. Mukai, V. V. Rozanov, P. Litvinov, T. Lapyonok, I. S. Kolomiets, Y. A. Oberemok, S. Savenkov, W. Martin, A. Wasilewski, A. Di Noia, F. A. Sap, J. Rietjens, F. Xu, V. Natraj, M. Duan, T. Cheng, and R. Munro (2015), Space-based remote sensing of atmospheric aerosols: The multi-angle spectro-polarimetric frontier, Earth-Science Reviews, 85-116, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2015.01.012.

The review of optical instrumentation, forward modeling, and inverse problem solution for the polarimetric aerosol remote sensing from space is presented. The special emphasis is given to the description of current airborne and satellite imaging polarimeters and also to modern satellite aerosol retrieval algorithms based on the measurements of the Stokes vector of reflected solar light as detected on a satellite. Various underlying surface reflectance models are discussed and evaluated.

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Research Program: 
Radiation Science Program (RSP)
Tropospheric Composition Program (TCP)
Terra- MISR