ATTREX 02/13/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

 -Science Flight #1. Associated Pics attached.

 - Congratulations to the entire GH/ ATTREX Team for overcoming one issue after another and beginning Science flights…

  o   Our new motto:  “Trust the DOP”


The Plan for the remainder of today is:

 -2100: Estimated Landing time

 o   2000 (tonight) – 0430 (tomorrow): GH crew will recover the aircraft, engine wash, fuel, weigh, depanel, and post-flight

 o   ~2200 (TBD): Access for Zone-25 instruments to turn-off gas…


The Plan for the Friday (tomorrow) is:

 -0800 – 1100: Instrument access with Aircraft Power and Data-IT Support for Post-flight

 -1200: Aircraft moved to Hangar 6

 o   If there is an instrument issue – this can be delayed – contact Dave F. or Dave J.


The Plan for Saturday is:

 -GH Crew Hard Down Day

 -No aircraft access



Next Instrument Pre-flight is Sunday, 16Feb

Next Science Flight is Monday 17Feb. Pin-pull at 0245. ~18 hr. flight.