ASIA-AQ 02/10/24 Mission Daily Schedule

ASIA-AQ Plan of the day for:
Sunday, February 11, 2024  
Shuttle Schedule:
0530 – Shuttle #1 Hilton to Gate 8 (Ops center)
0600 – Shuttle #2 Hilton to Gate 8 (Ops center)
0700 – Shuttle #3 Hilton to Gate 8 (Ops center) 
1200 – Shuttle #4 Ops Center > San Jacinto Road (food options) > Hilton
1340 – Shuttle #5 Hilton > San Jacinto (food options) > Ops Center
1830 – Shuttle #6 Ops Center to Hilton
1900 – Shuttle #7 Ops Center to Hilton
1930 – Shuttle #8 Ops Center to Hilton
2000 – Shuttle #9 Ops Center to Hilton
DC-8 Schedule: Science Flight #3
0600 - Science instrument preflights 
0700 - Aircrew Show / Crew Brief (FBO)
0730 - Pre-flight Brief (Ops Center)
0830 - Door Close
0835 - Engine Start
0850 - Taxi
0900 - Takeoff
1730 - Land
1800 - Debrief (Ops Center)
GIII Schedule: 
0730 Doors Closed
0800 Takeoff #1
~1300 Land
~1345 Takeoff #2
~1730 Land
Monday, February 12, 2024: Superbowl! 
Hard down day
CIT-CIMS aircraft service between 0900 - 1000. 
No shuttle service or access to Ops Center. 
Project activities:
1000 Flight planning meeting at the ASIA-AQ Ops center 
The latest QNC Flight Clearance Sheet has been posted on the ESPO website.
Click here to order your ASIA-AQ T-shirt. 
ESPO support on site: Vidal, Stevie, and Daisy.