Associated content: 

STP Fuel Truck PRF01Y17

P3 Ground Crew Pre-flight PRF01Y17

Pre Flight aircraft check PRF01Y17

Positioning stairs PRF01Y17

P3 pushed into position PRF01Y17

ORACLES 08/11/17 Mission Daily Schedule


Thursday: P-3 arrived in São Tomé / Science flight #PRF00Y17 complete (see picture - credits: Jhony Zavaleta)


NASA Airborne Mission Returns to Africa to Study Smoke, Clouds

NASA's P-3 research plane begins flights this month through both clouds and smoke over the South Atlantic Ocean to understand how tiny airborne particles called aerosols change the properties of clouds and how they influence the amount of incoming sunlight the clouds reflect or absorb.

ORACLES 08/10/17 Mission Daily Schedule

Plan of the Day - Times in GMT


Friday August 11

0800 Shuttle: Hotel to Airport

Unsync'ed Down

Monday, August 14, 2017 (All day)


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