HS3 07/17/14 Daily Schedule


AV-1 Integration and aircraft activity continue


Today’s Accomplishments:

AV-1 Wt & Balance performed

Fueling performed
Avionics prepping for power


The Plan for tomorrow (Friday) is:

Continue avionics prep for power (estimated 1-3 hours beginning 0630)
Power to instruments and hangar IT testing of instruments (remainder of day)



HS3 07/16/14 Daily Schedule


AV-1 Integration and aircraft activity continue on schedule.


Today’s Accomplishments:

AV-1 integration activity is complete

o   HAMSR installed

o   HIRAD installed

o   HIWRAP installed

Aircraft ready for Wt. & Balance

The Plan for tomorrow (Thursday) is:

0730: Payload Cage meeting of Leads and PI’s

Wt & Balance

Fuel aircraft and reweigh

Avionics prep for power (see Friday)

HS3 07/15/14 Daily Schedule


AV-1 Integration and aircraft activity continue on schedule.


Today’s Accomplishments:

At WFF, Dana Tanks and Berms setup complete

AV-1 integration activity continues

o   HAMSR installed

o   HIRAD Structural mounting progressing

o   HIWRAP completes SIL Bench Testing

HIRAD completes outdoor sky radiation test

New Daylight Nose Cam wiring begins

Chris and Gerry H. give AFRC “What’s Happening” Presentation

HS3 07/14/14 Daily Schedule


HS3 ‘14 begins today at AFRC and WFF.


Today’s Accomplishments:

Dana Tanks arrived at WFF

At AFRC, HIWRAP, HIRAD, and HAMSR teams arrived and began pre-integration testing

o   HAMSR passed SIL Bench

o   HIRAD SIL Bench started

COMSEC Training of PI’s at AFRC

The Plan for tomorrow (Tuesday):

0730 Payload Cage meeting of Leads and PI’s

HAMSR installation on aircraft

HIRAD outdoor sky radiation test


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