Mission Team Useful Links
- 2014 WFF Orientation Handout- Contains all relevant information regarding 2014 HS3 operations at NASA Wallops Flight Facility.
- 2014 AFRC Orientation Handout- Contains all relevant information regarding 2014 HS3 operations at NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center.
- 2014 Hurricane Evacuation Plan- Project-wide plan for evacuating personnel and equipment in case of a hurricane warning.
- HS3 Listserve - Subscribe to the HS3 email subscription list for important announcements, meeting invitations and updates.
- Webex - Used by team for online screen sharing, collaboration during working meetings and demonstrations (Use IE or Safari browsers). Enter meeting id for applicable scheduled meeting.
- NASA Headquarters HS3 Website
- NASA Hurricane Website
- NASA Hurricane Facebook- View timeline posts oftentimes with pictures, video and comments
- NASA Hurricane Twitter - Follow for breaking news
Public Outreach
- HS3 Flickr Page - A collection of photos from our integrations and deployments
- HS3 Educator Workshop at DFRC
- HS3 Lenticular
- HS3 Mission Video
News Posted Elsewhere
- "How to Start a Hurricane" (airspacemag.com August 2015)
- "Using Drone Technology to Study Hurricanes" (WAVY TV 10/13/14)
- "NASA Uses Drones to Study Hurricanes" (WAVY.com 10/13/14)
- "Joining the Hunt" (Velocity Magazine 2014)
- "Mission to analyze hurricanes from above coming to a quiet end" (Baltimore Sun 9/28/14)
- "S-HIS Instrument Provides Hurricane Data From Unmanned Aircraft" (www.ssec.wisc.edu/ 9/25/14)
- "Unmanned hurricane plane based on Delmarva" (The News Journal 9/14/14)
- "Dropsondes Explained" (Eastern Shore News 9/15/14)
- "Future of Global Hawk Research" (Eastern Shore News 9/15/14)
- "MTS Explained" (Eastern Shore News 9/15/14)
- "Multi-Year Hurricane Mission Wrapping Up This Summer" (Newport News, 9/13/14)
- "Global Hawk investigates hurricane" (Antelope Valley Press, 9/08/14)
- "NASA's HS3 mission and Terra satellite take on Tropical Storm Dolly" (phys.org, 9/03/14)
- "NASA Wallops Flight Facility Launches Global Hawk 872" (WMDT-TV 9/11/14)
- "HS3 2014 Mission Overview" (WBOC-TV, 9/11/14)
- "NASA Begins Hurricane Mission with Global Hawk Flight to Cristobal" (WTVR.com, 8/28/14)
- "NASA flies drones to hunt hurricanes" (msnbc.com, 09/25/13)
- "Mission Update: Southwestern Gulf System 95L Targeted by NASA's Global Hawk" (www.nasa.gov, 09/19/13)
- "NASA Sends Drones to Track Hurricane Secrets" (www.arabnews.com, 09/16/13)
- "NASA Sends Drones to Track Hurricane Secrets" (sandpointpr.com, 09/15/13)
- "NASA Sends Drones to Track Hurricane Secrets" (www.globalpost.com, 09/14/13)
- "TRMM satellite and HS3 mission checking out Tropical Storm Humberto" (phys.org, 09/13/13)
- "Spy Drones Turning Up New Data About Hurricanes And Weather" (npr.org, 09/13/13)
- "Hurricane Hunting Drones Probe Storms' Anatomy" (livescience.com/, 09/12/13)
- "NASA Launches Weather Drones to Monitor Tropical Storm Gabrielle in the Atlantic"(inhabitat.com, 09/12/13)
- "NASA Weather Drones: Scientists Launch Unmanned Aircraft To Study Storms" (huffingtonpost.com/, 09/11/13)
- "NASA Launches Drones from to Study Storms" (thefrontierpost.com/, 09/11/13)
- "NASA launches drones from Va. to study storms" (salon.com/, 09/11/13)
- "NASA launches drones from Va. to study storms" (news.yahoo.com/, 09/11/13)
- "NASA robot planes unraveling hurricane mysteries" (wtkr.com, 09/11/13)
- "NASA Is Using Decommissioned Air Force Drones To Study Tropical Storms" (businessinsider.com, 09/11/13)
- "NASA to Monitor Tropical Storm Gabrielle With Former Military Drones" (usnews.com, 09/11/13)
- "NASA Deploying Global Hawk Drones for Storm Studies [VIDEO]" (guardianlv.com, 09/11/13)
- "NASA Launches Drones from Va. to Study Storms" (myfoxdetroit.com, 09/11/13)
- "NASA Drones Help Predict Hurricanes" [VIDEO] (esciencenews.com, 09/11/13)
- "NASA is Using Drones to Study Hurricanes" (washingtonpost.com, 09/09/13)
- "NASA is Using Drones to Study Hurricanes" (sensorsandsystems.com/, 09/09/13)
- "NASA Is Using Drones to Study Hurricanes" (newsok.com, 09/09/13)
- "NASA Launches Drones to Study Storms" (thehindu.com, 09/09/13)
- "Women at NASA Manage Novel Hurricane Mission" (www.nasa.gov, 08/20/13)
- "NOAA trims forecast for busy hurricane season" (wboc.com, 08/08/13)
- "Seeing Which Way the Wind Blows: New Doppler Radar Takes Flight on This Summer's HS3 Mission" (07/31/13)
- "NASA Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles To Eye Hurricane Power" (spacenews.com, 07/15/13)
- "Inside Nasa’s hurricane drone lab" (bbc.com, 03/24/13)
- "Drones to help Monterey scientists analyze hurricane data for NASA" (Monterey County Herald 10/22/12)
- "NASA drone that spies on hurricanes" [VIDEO] (CNNMoney 10/2/12)
- "Research buzz: Unmanned aircraft venture into hurricanes" (Baltimore Sun, 10/2/12)
- "Robot Plane Spying on Hurricanes" (USA Today, 9/24/12)
- "Exclusive: A Peek Inside NASA's Global Hawk Hangar" (Wired.com, 9/21/12)
- "NASA: Fly into the eye" (DelmarvaNow.com, 9/21/12)
- "Robot Hurricane Hunters" [VIDEO] (The Weather Channel, 9/20/12)
- "Unmanned Flights By NASA" [VIDEO] (The Weather Channel, 9/20/12)
- "Drones help keep an eye on storms" (dailypress.com, 9/20/12)
- "A Pilot in the air - and on the ground" (DelmarvaNow.com, 9/19/12)
- "NASA Launches Global Hawk To Study Hurricanes" (WMDT.com, 9/19/12)
- "Meteorologist Carrie Rose on assignment at NASA Wallops Flight Facility" (WTVR.com, 9/19/12)
- "NASA launches five-year hurricane hunt" (AOPA, 9/17/12)
- "NASA Drone Spies on Tropical Storm Nadine" (littlegreenfootballs.com, 9/13/12)
- "Unmanned NASA Drone Inspects Tropical Storm Nadine" (ouramazingplanet.com, 9/12/12)
- "Boulder labs to aid study of hurricanes" (Boulder Country Business Report, 9/12/12)
- "NASA drone spies on tropical storm Nadine" (Washington Post, 9/12/12)
- "NASA Drones Investigating Tropical Depression 14" (ouramazingplanet.com, 9/11/12)
- "NASA Drones Investigating Tropical Depression 14" (Yahoo News, 9/11/12)
- "NASA to research hurricanes from high above" (Standard-Examiner, 9/10/12)
- "Aircraft and Drones Spying on Tropical Storm Leslie" (Space.com, 9/10/12)
- "NASA Flies Global Hawk over Hurricane Leslie" (beforeitsnews.com, 9/9/12)
- "Drones Will Over-Fly Hurricanes At Altitudes Greater Than 60,000 Feet - NASA's HS3 Mission Begins" (messagetoeagle.com, 9/8/12)
- "NASA now flying drones into hurricanes" (messagetoeagle.com, 9/8/12)
- "Drones to study hurricanes" (Standard-Examiner)
- "NASA earth observation drone becomes hurricane hunter" (Earth Imaging Journal)
- "Drones to be become storm chasers, hurricane hunters" (Fox News Mobile, 9/7/12)
- "Why NASA is flying drones into hurricanes" (grepscience.com, 9/6/12)
- "Why NASA is flying drones into hurricanes" (Popular Mechanics, 9/6/12)
- "NASA Drones to Spy on Hurricanes, Storm Intensity" (Global Reporter, 9/4/12)
- "NASA Drones to Spy on Hurricanes, Storm Intensity" (climatecentral.org, 9/4/12)
- "NASA to use drones to research hurricanes" (privatepilotnews.com, 8/30/12)
- "NASA to field UAVs to monitor hurricanes" (GSN Magazine, 8/29/12)
- "New Tool for Hurricane Trackers: Drones" (National Journal, 8/28/12)
- "Media Invited To NASA Airborne Hurricane Mission Media Day" (U.S. Politics Daily, 8/20/12)
- "NASA Preparing Instruments for Hurricane Sentinel Mission" (Softpedia, 8/16/12)
- "Virginia's Wallops Flight Facility to host the Hurricane Severe Storm Sentinel Mission" (WTVR-TV, 8/16/12)
- "NASA mission to study hurricanes: Public invited to Aug. 14 presentation" (delmarvanow.com, 8/11/12)
- "Interview With Scott Braun About NASA's Upcoming Hurricane Campaign" (Space Daily, 8/6/12)
- "NASA Drones to Fly Into Hurricanes" (Live Science, 7/13/12)
- "NASA to fly unmanned drones into hurricanes " (Smartplanet.com, 6/9/12)
- "UW researchers to study hurricanes for NASA project, Experiment aims to learn why storms intensify"(Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel Online, 6/9/12)
- "SSEC Instruments to Ride Unmanned Drones into Hurricanes" (University of Wisconsin-Madison, 6/5/12)
- "NASA Sends Drones to Monitor Hurricanes" (TG Daily, 6/4/12)
- "Unmanned Drones to Fly into Hurricanes" (LiveScience.com, 6/4/12)
- "Unmanned NASA Storm Sentinels Set for Hurricane Study" (Science Daily, 6/1/12)