Daily Schedule

Saturday, 8/24 Accomplishments:
A/C and instrument maintenance
A/C placed in hangar overnight

Sunday, 8/25 Plans:
Down day with the exception of:
11:00    Flight Planning meeting

Friday, 8/23 Accomplishments:
Salina science flight #2 (16th overall)

Saturday, 8/24 Plans:
Maintenance day
12:00    A/C access (ground crew needs time to work on A/C issues)
18:00    A/C access ends
18:00    Science Meeting

Sunday, 8/25 Plans:
Down day except for:
11:00    Flight planning meeting

There will be no Flight Planning Meeting tomorrow, Friday, 8/23

Thursday, 8/22 Accomplishments:
A/C recovered from hangar (storms were to the south)
First FedEx pickup of WAS and iWAS boxes!

Friday, 8/23 Plans:
09:00    A/C access
10:30    Preflight briefing
11:30    A/C door closed
12:00    Take-off (max. 8 hr. flight)

Wednesday, 8/21 Accomplishments:
First Salina science flight (Oklahoma, Texas and Mississippi river valley)
Continuation of lab/office set up
A/C towed to hangar in a precautionary move (hail potential)

Thursday, 8/22 Plans:
Maintenance day
09:30    A/C access begins
11:00    Forecasting meeting
16:00    Severe weather briefing by Michelle Barkley (Salina County Emergency Management Director)
17:00    A/C access ends
17:00    Science meeting

Tuesday, 8/20 Accomplishments:
Media Day and Open House (local legislators, media and upwards of 200 students visited)
Science team began unpacking and setting up
Office/lab space set up continued
Weather/Chem Briefing

Wednesday, 8/21 Plans:
0700     A/C access
0830     Pre-flight brief
0930    A/C Door closed
1000     DC-8 Takeoff
1100     Forecasting Discussion
1630     DC-8 Landing

If you need egress training be at the aircraft at 07:30!

If you will be returning to Palmdale after Salina don’t forget to make your hotel reservation from the Courtyard/Residence Inn room blocks

Monday, 08/19 Accomplishments:
Truck from Boise with A/C unit, GPU and 20’ Conex arrived and unloaded
Dry Ice Salina delivery of dry ice
Airgas delivery of LN2 and compressed gases
Two FedEx semi-truck and trailers unloaded
Tables and chairs set up
DC-8 arrival 
All staged rental cars connected with renters

Tuesday, 8/20 Plans
09:00    Media Day begins with legislator briefings
09:00    A/C access begins
09:40    Legislator tour of A/C
10:40    Media tour of A/C
11:00    Open House begins (briefings, Q&A and tours)
13:00     Weather Briefing
18:00    A/C access ends

If you’re going to do work on the aircraft please, please, please do it early in the day.

Thursday, August 15 Accomplishments
Successful science flight!

Friday, August 16 Tentative Plans
1200 Forecasting briefing and flight planning
1330 A/C Access
14:30 Pre-flight meeting
16:00 A/C Door closed
16:30 Take-off time

Wednesday, August 14 Accomplishments
Instrument and A/C maintenance

Thursday, August 15 Plans
1000 Flight Planning Meeting
1400 A/C Access
15:30 Pre-flight meeting
16:30 A/C Door closed
1700 Take-off time

Tuesday, 8/13 Accomplishments
Science flight completed!  Castle fire+ Grand Canyon

Wednesday, 8/14 Plans
1000 Flight planning/Forecasting Meeting
1000-1800 A/C Access

Thursday, 8/15 Plans
Possible flight

Monday, 8/12 Accomplishments
Science flight completed!  Springs Fire + Grand Canyon!

Tuesday, 8/13 Plans
1000 Flight planning/Forecasting Meeting
1200 A/C Access
1330 Pre-flight meeting
1430 A/C Door closed
1500-1600 Take-off time span