Saturday, 8/24 Accomplishments:
A/C and instrument maintenance
A/C placed in hangar overnight
Sunday, 8/25 Plans:
Down day with the exception of:
11:00 Flight Planning meeting
Saturday, 8/24 Accomplishments:
A/C and instrument maintenance
A/C placed in hangar overnight
Sunday, 8/25 Plans:
Down day with the exception of:
11:00 Flight Planning meeting
Friday, 8/23 Accomplishments:
Salina science flight #2 (16th overall)
Saturday, 8/24 Plans:
Maintenance day
12:00 A/C access (ground crew needs time to work on A/C issues)
18:00 A/C access ends
18:00 Science Meeting
Sunday, 8/25 Plans:
Down day except for:
11:00 Flight planning meeting
Thursday, 8/22 Accomplishments:
A/C recovered from hangar (storms were to the south)
First FedEx pickup of WAS and iWAS boxes!
Friday, 8/23 Plans:
09:00 A/C access
10:30 Preflight briefing
11:30 A/C door closed
12:00 Take-off (max. 8 hr. flight)
Wednesday, 8/21 Accomplishments:
First Salina science flight (Oklahoma, Texas and Mississippi river valley)
Continuation of lab/office set up
A/C towed to hangar in a precautionary move (hail potential)
Thursday, 8/22 Plans:
Maintenance day
09:30 A/C access begins
11:00 Forecasting meeting
16:00 Severe weather briefing by Michelle Barkley (Salina County Emergency Management Director)
17:00 A/C access ends
17:00 Science meeting
Tuesday, 8/20 Accomplishments:
Media Day and Open House (local legislators, media and upwards of 200 students visited)
Science team began unpacking and setting up
Office/lab space set up continued
Weather/Chem Briefing
Wednesday, 8/21 Plans:
0700 A/C access
0830 Pre-flight brief
0930 A/C Door closed
1000 DC-8 Takeoff
1100 Forecasting Discussion
1630 DC-8 Landing
If you will be returning to Palmdale after Salina don’t forget to make your hotel reservation from the Courtyard/Residence Inn room blocks
Monday, 08/19 Accomplishments:
Truck from Boise with A/C unit, GPU and 20’ Conex arrived and unloaded
Dry Ice Salina delivery of dry ice
Airgas delivery of LN2 and compressed gases
Two FedEx semi-truck and trailers unloaded
Tables and chairs set up
DC-8 arrival
All staged rental cars connected with renters
Tuesday, 8/20 Plans
09:00 Media Day begins with legislator briefings
09:00 A/C access begins
09:40 Legislator tour of A/C
10:40 Media tour of A/C
11:00 Open House begins (briefings, Q&A and tours)
13:00 Weather Briefing
18:00 A/C access ends
Thursday, August 15 Accomplishments
Successful science flight!
Friday, August 16 Tentative Plans
1200 Forecasting briefing and flight planning
1330 A/C Access
14:30 Pre-flight meeting
16:00 A/C Door closed
16:30 Take-off time
Wednesday, August 14 Accomplishments
Instrument and A/C maintenance
Thursday, August 15 Plans
1000 Flight Planning Meeting
1400 A/C Access
15:30 Pre-flight meeting
16:30 A/C Door closed
1700 Take-off time
Tuesday, 8/13 Accomplishments
Science flight completed! Castle fire+ Grand Canyon
Wednesday, 8/14 Plans
1000 Flight planning/Forecasting Meeting
1000-1800 A/C Access
Thursday, 8/15 Plans
Possible flight
Monday, 8/12 Accomplishments
Science flight completed! Springs Fire + Grand Canyon!
Tuesday, 8/13 Plans
1000 Flight planning/Forecasting Meeting
1200 A/C Access
1330 Pre-flight meeting
1430 A/C Door closed
1500-1600 Take-off time span