ATTREX 02/07/14 Daily Schedule

ATTREX  GH Overview:

  -Outdoor aircraft Nav/OmniSTAR testing and consultation with NGC continues.


Today’s Activities:

  -Engine Wash performed

  -Outdoor aircraft Nav/OmniSTAR Testing performed this morning and afternoon

  -Replacement OmniSTAR Receiver arriving tonight at PGUM.

The Plan for tomorrow (Sunday) is:

  - 0700: Daily morning meeting of Leads for GH, ESPO, Science in the Hangar

  -Outdoor aircraft Nav/OmniSTAR testing will continue.

  o   Instrument Team access is very limited due to aircraft outdoor activity.

     o   Anyone needing access, please contact Dave F. so we can plan for it.



  - When the GH Nav issue is resolved, pre-flight access will be announced for the next flight.

  - Pic from next ATTREX Science Flt. attached (obtained from…)