CI Azumano Travel Profile

CI Azumano
After you are notified your Travel Request has been formally signed by SSAI management, you will receive an email from one of the SSAI Travel Staff.  That is the appropriate point when you will be able to contact CI Azumano for commercial airline reservations.

CI Azumano is the SSAI travel vendor.  The invitation is for you to contact CI Azumano Travel yourself.  At the time airline reservations are made, SSAI will pay the airfare.  Attached here you will find the contact information for CI Travel Agents.   Nardy Tello is the primary SSAI designated Travel Agent.   If Nardy is unavailable, other agents from the list are well qualified and very familiar with the SSAI purchase and billing process.  Please try to work only with one of the listed agents.  They will be able to book airline, rental car and most Amtrak reservations.

Non-refundable airline tickets are purchased, at the lowest available rate on the day of purchase.  If you have preferences, specific airlines, flight times or specific routes, do not assume you will automatically be able to have your preferred flights or airline.  The ticket cost will determine if it will be possible to accommodate your preferences.

CI Travel needs to have 5 pieces of personal information from you.   Please have this available when you first contact the agent.

  1. The exact spelling of your name as it is on the gov't issued photo ID that you will present at TSA security screenings.
  2. Your birth date
  3. Your gender
  4. If you are traveling on a Passport, also required are: the ID number, the expiration date, the location where it was issued.
  5. A cell phone number or other contact phone number.

CI Azumano Travel Profile
For frequent travel support through SSAI this new tool is very useful.  It is optional and not a requirement.  Should you consider creating the traveler’s profile this secure information will facilitate correctly booking all of your reservations.  Only your personal information will be stored in the Concur Profile. Reservations will still be booked directly with a CI Azumano Agent, not through the Concur website.  

To register, use the link below:

The Concur Profile is an on-line tool where you are able to provide the required  information above, frequent airline/hotel/rental car travel member account numbers, etc., having it immediately available to the agents.   Regardless that the form is titled with Concur, you can set-up a personal profile with CI Azumano for all travel, now and future.  All of your primary information will always be available to CI Azumano and the ticket purchase won’t experience any cumbersome delay.  Your Concur login will be:  Guest + your first and last name (i.e. GuestSteveScientist).  It will appear that the login is the SSAI email address.  However that is not the case.  It only identifies you as a traveler of SSAI.

Further instructions for creating a Concur Profile can found by downloading the Concur Self Registration Instructions.

The list of CI Azumano Travel Agents currently supporting ATom can be downloaded here.

Cassie Lehnhardt and Jonathon Alouf


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