Friday, October 14
Aircraft schedule:
- 0900: G-III and PRISM teams arrive at hangar
- 1130: PRISM G-III team final Go/No-Go
- 1200: PRISM SF2 takeoff (weather permitting)
- 1200: Preflight briefing for B200 SF7
- 1300-1400: B200 SF7 and Twin Otter SF1 takeoff (weather permitting)
Ship and in situ plan:
- Ship surveys of the front, bio-team underway sampling during MASS/PRISM in afternoon, Lagrangian float tracking, CTD casts on either side of front (Mara decide w Andrey).
- Wave Gliders and Saildrones repeat frontal patterns
Science team meeting schedule:
- 1030: ASV/Ship Ops Meeting -
- 1430: Control Center Meeting -
- The B200 completed its sixth science flight of the campaign today, but the weather remains uncooperative for MASS, MOSES, and PRISM.
- The Bold Horizon, gliders, and Saildrones are all surveying the operations region to try to better define the position and characteristics of the frontal areas.
- Lagrangian floats have been retrieved by the ship and will be redeployed today.
- NOTE: The S-MODE data center may be down on Saturday for WHOI improvements.
- Go to for a Google Earth view of the real time autonomous platform positions.
- Autonomous platform planned tracks are now incorporated into Google Earth in the KML share folder of the S-MODE Drive