Publications for S-MODE

Publication Citation
Torres, H.S., A. Wineteer, E. Rodriguez, P. Klein, A.F. Thompson, and D. Perkovic‐Martin (2025), Submesoscale eddy contribution to ocean vertical heat flux diagnosed from airborne observations, Geophysical Research Letters.
Wu, W., and A. Mahadevan (2024), Air-sea turbulent heat flux affects oceanic lateral eddy heat transport, Geophys. Res. Lett(manuscript in preparation).
Wineteer, A., E. Rodriguez, D.P. Martin, H. Torres, F. Polverari, R. Akbar, and C. Rocha (2024), Exploring the characteristics of ocean surface winds at high resolution with Doppler Scatterometry, Geophysical Research Letters.
Torres, H.S., E. Rodriguez, and A. Wineteer (2024), Airborne observations of fast-evolving ocean submesoscale turbulence, Commun Earth Environ.
Pizzo, N., and G.L. Wagner (2024), Deep flows transmitted by forced surface gravity waves, Water Waves - Springer(submitted).
He, J., and A. Mahadevan (2024), Vertical velocity diagnosed from surface data with machine learning, Geophys. Res. Lett..
Blaser, A., R. Benamran, A.B.V. Boas, L. Lenain, and N. Pizzo (2024), Momentum, energy and vorticity balances in deep-water surface gravity waves, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
Shcherbina, A.Y., and E.A. D’Asaro (2024), Wave-induced biases in ADCP measurements from quasi-Lagrangian platforms, arXiv preprint(manuscript in preparation).
Renault, L., M. Contreras, P. Marchesiello, C. Conejero, I. Uchoa, and J. Wenegrat (2024), Unravelling the impacts of submesoscale thermal and current feedbacks on the low level winds and submesoscale currents, Journal of Physical Oceanography(submitted).
Jessup, A.T. (2024), Advances in Measuring Ocean Surface Skin Temperature using the InfraRed Instrument for Sea Surface Temperature (IRISS), J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech(submitted).
Dove, L.A., M.A. Freilich, L. Siegelman, B. Fox-Kemper, and P. Hall, Pycnocline stratification shapes submesoscale vertical tracer transport, Journal of Physical Oceanography(submitted).
Aparco-Lara, J., H.T. Torres, and J. Gomez-Valdes (2023), Impact of Atmospheric Cooling on the High-Frequency Submesoscale Vertical Heat Flux, J. Geophys. Res., 128, e2023JC020029, doi:10.1029/2023JC020029.
Arbic, B., S. Elipot, J.M. Brasch, D. Menemenlis, A.L. Ponte, J. Shriver, X. Yu, E.D. Zaron, M.H. Alford, M.C. Buijsman, R. Abernathey, D. Garcia, L. Guan, P.E. Martin, and A.D. Nelson (2022), Near-surface oceanic kinetic energy distributions from drifter observations and numerical models, J. Geophys. Res., 127, e2022JC018551, doi:10.1029/2022JC018551.
Arbic, B., S. Elipot, J.M. Brasch, D. Menemenlis, A.L. Ponte, J. Shriver, X. Yu, E.D. Zaron, M.H. Alford, M.C. Buijsman, R. Abernathey, D. Garcia, L. Guan, P.E. Martin, and A.D. Nelson (2022), Frequency dependence and vertical structure of ocean surface kinetic energy from global high-resolution models and surface drifter observations, J. Geophys. Res.(submitted).
Bai, L., A. Thompson, B.V. Villas-Boas, P. Klein, H.T. Torres, and D. Menemenlis (2023), Sub-mesoscale wind-front interactions: The combined impact of thermal and current feedback(submitted), doi:10.22541/essoar.168626408.83305955/v1.
Bhuyan, P., C.B. Rocha, L. Romero, and T. Farrar (2024), Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Measurements from Saildrones with Applications to Submesoscale Studies, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.(submitted).
Blaser, A., R. Benamran, B.V. Villas-Boas, L. Lenain, and N. Pizzo (2024), Momentum, energy and vorticity balances in deep-water surface gravity waves, Journal of Fluid Mechanics(submitted).
Colosi, L., N. Pizzo, L. Grare, N. Statom, and L. Lenain (2023), Observations of surface gravity wave spectra from moving platforms, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 40, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-23-0022.1.
D'Addezio, J., and G. Jacobs (2022), Scale-dependent ocean vertical correlations in the California Current System, Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2022GL100184, doi:10.1029/2022GL100184.
Elipot, S., and J. Wenegrat (2021), Vertical structure of near-surface currents - Importance, state of knowledge, and measurement challenges, Variations, 19, 1-9, doi:10.5065/ybca-0s03.