NASA Ames Conference Center -
Building 3
500 Severyns Road
Moffett Field, CA 94035
The 2024 S-MODE Science Team Meeting is scheduled from 0900-1630 PT (1200-1930 ET) on the following days:
Day 1 - Monday, 21 October (Primary topics for October 21 are (1) an update on ODYSEA capabilities, (2) science and applications enabled by ODYSEA-resolution measurements, and (3) findings emerging from the ODYSEA simulator and ODYSEA OSSEs.)
Day 2 - Tuesday, 22 October (Joint S-MODE/ODYSEA talks, focusing on topics of joint interest, such as S-MODE and ODYSEA science goals, Doppler scatterometry, interpretation of surface currents, etc.)
Day 3 - Wednesday, 23 October (S-MODE presentations and discussion)
Day 4 - Thursday, 24 October (S-MODE presentations, discussion, and poster session)
Day 2 - Tuesday, 22 October (Joint S-MODE/ODYSEA talks, focusing on topics of joint interest, such as S-MODE and ODYSEA science goals, Doppler scatterometry, interpretation of surface currents, etc.)
Day 3 - Wednesday, 23 October (S-MODE presentations and discussion)
Day 4 - Thursday, 24 October (S-MODE presentations, discussion, and poster session)
Webex Meeting link for all days:
Join by meeting number:
Meeting number (access code): 2559 591 5026
Meeting password: STM2024!
Meeting number (access code): 2559 591 5026
Meeting password: STM2024!
Join by phone:
1-650-479-3207 Call-in number (US/Canada)
1-855-244-8681 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
Global call-in numbers | Toll-free calling restrictions
1-650-479-3207 Call-in number (US/Canada)
1-855-244-8681 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
Global call-in numbers | Toll-free calling restrictions
Presentations and Recordings
Other Information:
Campus Access:
The meeting will take place at the NASA Ames Conference Center. With the exception of those who have been contacted directly by S-MODE management, meeting attendees can access NASA Ames Research Park directly by showing a valid form of ID (e.g., driver’s license, passport) to the guards at the NASA Ames main gate.
There is a parking lot across the street from Building 3 usually with ample space (see screen shot below). That said, carpooling is always good to reduce congestion.