2019 S-MODE Science Meeting
August 21-23, 2019
Other Information:
Campus Access:
The meeting will take place at the NASA Ames Conference Center. US citizens and permanent residents can access NASA Ames Research Park directly by showing a valid ID (driver’s license, green card, passport, or DS2019) to the guards at the main gate. If you are a foreign national, you must stop at Visitor Badging first (see map above and more info below).
Visitor Badging:
For our guests from JPL, AFRC, and JSC, do not forget to bring your NASA PIV badge. For anyone not in possession of a NASA PIV badge who would like to tour the N-248 hangar (our primary base for aircraft operations) or the N-258 Supercomputing Facility, you must stop and get a badge at the Visitor Badging office (open at 6am). N248 and N258 are located in NASA Ames Research Center, which is entered through a second access point requiring a PIV badge or visitor badge. If you already know that you want to participate in these tours, you may stop by Visitor Badging on Wednesday morning. We will also have forms for anyone interested in these tours that we will pass out and collect on Wednesday that will expedite the badging process on Thursday. FYI – do not wait until Thursday at 8am to collect your badge. There will be a significant wait if everyone goes at that time.