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Gary Wick hands sondes to Terry Hock for loading on AV-6 (8.28.14)

AV-6 arrives WFF (8.27.14)

AV-6 Arrives in WFF Hangar D-1 (8.27.14)

CPL Post-flight on AV-6 (8.27.14)

Crowd watches AV-6 arrive at WFF (8.27.14)

Paul peruses the map at morning wx brief prior to AV-6 transit (8.26.14)

First sonde drop of HS3 2014 (8.26.14)

HS3 09/06/14 Daily Schedule

Overview:  AV-6 completed Science Flight #4 this morning (target I90L/P27L, 59 sondes dropped).  Engine nozzle change now in progress.  Next potential flight Tue Sep 9 (target P29L). 


HS3 09/05/14 Daily Schedule

Overview:  AV-6 to complete Science Flight #4 tomorrow (target I90L/P27L off African coast).  Next potential flight could be Sun evening Sep 7 but WFF weather looks questionable – decision will be made after AV-6 landing Sat morning. 


HS3 09/04/14 Daily Schedule

Overview:  AV-6 to fly Science Flight #4 tomorrow (target I90L/P27L off African coast; 60 sondes loaded).  Next potential flight Sun evening Sep 7.  Troubleshooting continues on AV-1.  Earliest possible transit flight is TBD.



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