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S-MODE 04/14/23 Mission Daily Schedule

Plan of the Day for Friday, April 14:

The Mighty B-200 Crew with Honored Guests

S-MODE 04/13/23 Mission Daily Schedule

Here is the S-MODE Plan of the Day for Thursday, April 13:

  • The intrepid Sally Ride science party has nearly completed the APEX float deployments, in addition to deploying surface drifters and performing CTD casts. Deck operations will cease for ~24 hours as sea state conditions deteriorate.
  • The B200 completed its sixth flight of IOP-2, while the MASS TO completed its second. The G-III was a no-go today due to clouds.

 Aircraft schedule:

S-MODE 04/12/23 Mission Daily Schedule

Here is the Plan of the Day for Wednesday, April 12:


  • Great day for S-MODE!
  • Sally Ride entered the ops area today and she surveyed an exceptional chlorophyll plume.
  • With the weather cooperating, all three aircraft flew with all instruments working nominally. 

 Aircraft schedule:

JPL Teams at the ARC Ops Center

S-MODE 04/11/23 Mission Daily Schedule

Here is the Plan of the Day for Tuesday, April 11:


  • The LaRC G-III has arrived at Moffett Field!  
  • The B200 flew its fourth science flight of IOP-2, but no MASS or MOSES data was collected due to fog/clouds.
  • The RV Sally Ride is transiting north and is scheduled to arrive at the ops area early morning tomorrow.
  • The science team has picked a new target shown below – a large chlorophyll plume pictured in red. The ship, aircraft, and gliders will gravitate toward this feature starting tomorrow.

Aircraft schedule:

S-MODE 04/10/23 Mission Daily Schedule

Here is the S-MODE Plan of the Day for Monday, April 10:


  • The R/V Sally Ride departed San Diego on Saturday at ~8pm local. Good luck to the science party!
  • The B200 and the MASS Twin Otter will be ready to go on Monday, but the flight outlook for optical instruments is marginal due to forecast low clouds.
  • The LaRC G-III is scheduled to arrive at Moffett Field Monday afternoon. 

Aircraft schedule:


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