PAN and Trace Hydrohalocarbon ExpeRiment (PANTHER)


Operated By: 

PANTHER uses Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture Detection and (GC-ECD) and Gas Chromatography with Mass Selective Detection (GC-MSD) to measure numerous trace gases, including methyl halides, HCFCs, peroxyacetyl nitrate, nitrous oxide, SF6, CFC-12, CFC-11, Halon-1211, methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride.

3 ECDs with packed columns (OV-101, Porapak-Q, molecular sieve).

1 ECD with a TE (thermal electric) cooled RTX-200 capillary column.

2-channel MSD (mass selective detector). The MSD analyzes two independent samples air concentrated onto TE cooled Haysep traps, which are then heated to desorb the analytes and separate using through two temperature programmed RTX-624 capillary columns.

With the exception of PAN, all channels of chromatography are normalized to a stable in-flight calibration gas references to NOAA scales. The PAN data are normalized to an in-flight PAN source of ≈ 100 ppt with ±5 % reproducibility. This source is generated by efficient photolytic conversion of NO in the presence of acetone. Detector non-linearity is taken out by lab calibrations for all molecules.

Instrument Type: 
Recent Missions: 
POSIDON (WB-57 - JSC); ATom (DC-8 - AFRC); TC4 (WB-57 - JSC); CR-AVE (WB-57 - JSC); AVE Houston 2 (WB-57 - JSC); SOLVE II (DC-8 - AFRC)
Complete mission list:
Point(s) of Contact: 
James W. Elkins (POC; Co-I), Eric Hintsa (Co-I), Fred Moore (Co-I), Brad Hall (Co-I)