Improved simulations of biomass burning aerosol optical properties and lifetimes in the NASA GEOS Model during the ORACLES-I campaign

Das, S., P.R. Colarco, H. Bian, and S. Gassó (2024), Improved simulations of biomass burning aerosol optical properties and lifetimes in the NASA GEOS Model during the ORACLES-I campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi:10.5194/acp-24-4421-2024.

In order to improve aerosol representation in the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) model, we evaluated simulations of the transport and properties of aerosols from southern African biomass burning sources that were observed during the first deployment of the NASA ORACLES (ObseRvations of Aerosols above CLouds and their intEractionS) field campaign in September 2016. An example case study of 24 September was analyzed in detail, during which aircraft-based in situ and remote sensing observations showed the presence of a multi-layered smoke plume structure with significant vertical variation in single scattering albedo (SSA). Our baseline GEOS simulations were not able to represent the observed SSA variation or the observed organic aerosol-to-black-carbon ratio (OA : BC). Analyzing the simulated smoke age suggests that the higheraltitude, less absorbing smoke plume was younger (∼ 4 d), while the lower-altitude and more absorbing smoke plume was older (∼ 7 d). We hypothesize a chemical or microphysical loss process exists to explain the change in aerosol absorption as the smoke plume ages, and we apply a simple loss rate to the model hydrophilic biomass burning OA to simulate this process. We also utilized the ORACLES airborne observations to better constrain the simulation of aerosol optical properties, adjusting the assumed particle size, hygroscopic growth, and absorption. Our final GEOS model simulation with additional OA loss and updated optics showed better performance in simulating aerosol optical depth (AOD) and SSA compared to independent ground- and space-based retrievals for the entire month of September 2016, including the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Aerosol Index. In terms of radiative implications of our model adjustments, the final GEOS simulation suggested a decreased atmospheric warming of about 10 % (∼ 2 W m−2 ) over the southeastern Atlantic region and above the stratocumulus cloud decks compared to the model baseline simulations. These results improve the representation of the smoke age, transport, and optical properties in Earth system models.

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