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SOLVE II Instruments

DC-8 Aircraft payload link
Link to Balloon Location & Instrument Information
Link to Ground-Based Instrument Information
Forecast Models Icon
DC-8 Balloons/Rockets Ground-Based
Instruments by Site
Forecast Models
  • Aerosol Lidar
  • DIAL - Differential Absorbtion Lidar
  • DIAS - Direct Beam Solar Irradiance Spectroradiometer
  • DACOM/DLH - Differential Absorbtion CO Measurement / Diode Laser Hygrometer
  • FCAS II - Focused Cavity Aerosol Spectrometer II
  • FASTOZ - High Resolution In-Situ Ozone
  • MTP - Microwave Temperature Profiler
  • N-MASS  - Nucleation-Mode Aerosol Size Spectrometer
  • AROTAL  - Airborne Raman Ozone, Temperature & Aerosol Lidar
  • AATS-14 - Ames Airborne Tracking Sunphotometers
  • GAMS/LAABS - Gas & Aerosol Monitoring System/ Langley Airborne A Band Spectrometer
  • PANTHER  - PAN and Trace Hydrohalocarbon ExpeRiment
  • SP2
  • DIAPER - DC-8 In-situ Aerosol Parameter Experiment Rack
  • BBFPH  - Balloon Borne Frost-Point Hygrometer
  • ECC - ECC Ozone Sonde
  • MkIV - MkIV Balloon Interferometer
  • CNC - Condensation Nuclei Counter
  • OPC - Optical Particle Counter
  • Ozone Sondes
  • Rocket Sondes

 Spitzbergen, Norway

Sondrestrom, Greenland

ARCLITE - Arctic Lidar Technology

Thule, Greenland

FTIR - Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer