The HyMap scanner, built by Integrated Spectronics Inc of Sydney, Australia, has four spectrometers in the interval 0.45 to 2.45 micrometers excluding the two major atmospheric water absorption windows. The bandwidths are not constant, but vary between 15 and 18 nanometers. The scanner also has an on-board bright source calibration system, which is used to monitor the stability of the signal. The signal/noise ratio measured outside the aircraft with a sun angle of 30° and a 50% reflectance standard is more than 500/1 except near the major atmospheric water absorption bands. The scanner is mounted on a hydraulically actuated Zeiss-Jena SM 2000 stabilized platform. The platform provides +/- 5 degrees of pitch and roll correction. The yaw can be offset by +/- 20 degrees with +/- 8 degrees of stabilization. The platform provides a residual error in nadir pointing of less than 1 degree and reduces aircraft motion effects by a factor ranging from 10:1 to 30:1.
The basic HyMap specifications are:
IFOV: 2.5 mr along track, 2.0 mr across track (Spatial resolution 3.5–10 m)
FOV: 62 degrees (512 pixels)