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NASA Images that Reveal the True Colors of the Oceans

MSN -The waters of the Earth can be blue, of course, but also beige. In fact there are so many hues of blue, shades of green and colors in between that one ends up being amazed by the palatte colors present. In February, NASA launched its PACE (Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem) satellite with which it has been capturing images of not just the aqueous surfaces of our planet, but also pictures that give you a whole new perspective of the Earth’s surface which can now be consulted on its website.

In New Zealand, as in other places shown by NASA, the coasts are surrounded by turquoise edges, a color that can be caused by the presence of sediments from the seabed, churned by waves and tides. These sediments feed populations of small algae which, in turn, are food for phytoplankton. This creates a microscopic and marine menu that gives color to the coasts of New Zealand.