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HS3 09/02/14 Daily Schedule

Overview:  AV-6 took off at 0755 this morning for Science Flight #3 (target TS Dolly in Gulf of Mexico; 50 sondes loaded).  Troubleshooting continues on AV-1.  Earliest possible transit flight Sat Sep 6.


Wed Sep 3 (Complete AV-6 Science Flight #3, target TS Dolly in Gulf of Mexico)


     -     0730 AV-6 Land

     -     0800 Forecast Briefing (S115)

     -     1030 AV-6 Instrument Postflight

     -     1030 Science Flight #3 Debrief (S115)

     -     1230 Computer Scans

     -     1930 Forecast Briefing (S115)


Thur Sep 4


     -     0800 Forecast Briefing (S115)

     -     0830 Computer Scans

     -     0900 AV-6 Instrument Preflight for potential Fri flight

     -     0930 COMSEC Brief (S115)

     -     1930 Forecast Briefing (S115)