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BioSCape 11/06/23 Mission Daily Schedule

BioSCape Plan of the Day
Monday, 6 November (All times local)

  1. Today is Guy Fawkes Day so you may hear firecrackers and fireworks this evening. 
  2. There will be a BioSCape public lecture and pre-event networking reception on 17 November that everyone is invited to attend. 
    1. When: Networking reception at 6pm, public event 7-9pm. 
    2. Where: New Lecture Theatre, UCT Upper Campus
    3. RSVP here - capacity is limited and spots will be on a first-come first-serve basis.  
    4. Please reach out to Anabelle Cardoso with any questions.
  3. A reminder that all relevant links (Windy, Rules of the Road, Go/No-Go call notes, Visions etc) are available on our internal team website (team.bioscape.io). If you cannot access the internal team site and would like to, please send Anabelle your Google-linked email address and she will add you.  

0600 -- Shuttle SSUN to FBO (GV MX)
0630 -- Shuttle FBO to SSUN (GV MX)
0900 -- RESCHEDULED Go/No-Go Meeting at SSUN 
1200 -- FINAL Go/No-Go call on Teams (will use the same 9am meeting invite) 
1230 -- Shuttle SSUN to FBO (GIII MX, crew and instruments)
1400 -- Forecasting Meeting at SSUN
1500 -- G-III Takeoff (SF # 10): G20 + G_21 NET 15:12 NLT 16:42
TBD -- Shuttle FBO to SSUN (GIII MX/Crew/Instruments after landing)
1800 -- Shuttle SSUN to FBO (GV MX)
1830 -- Shuttle FBO to SSUN (GV MX)
1.     If you have not been receiving the POD from the bioscape-science mailing list, please ‘join’ (subscribe) by emailing this address bioscape-science-join@espo.nasa.gov
2.     New arrivals, please remember to complete the BioSCape Check-in form.
3.     Please join our WhatsApp groups: BioSCape Broadcast (https://chat.whatsapp.com/B8lYD6nD2AF9LezJB3XhSf) and the optional BioSCape Social (https://chat.whatsapp.com/FQSuFbhH5hxEv7HFH6N0Ff) group.
·      Please be sure to add your name to your WhatsApp profile so we know who you are.
Key Personnel WhatsApp Contact Info:

  • Anabelle Cardoso, UB/UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 72 055 9025
  • Adam Wilson, UB, Mission Scientist, +1 240 979 7404
  • Erin Hestir, UCM, Mission Scientist, +1 510 263 6347
  • Jasper Slingsby, UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 83 406 0581
  • Dan Chirica, NASA, Project Manager, +1 925 640 0463
  • Stevie Phothisane, NASA, Deputy PM/Logistics, +1 707 772 9683
  • Roy Johnson, NASA, Site Support, +1 650 623 7539

Photos: Please upload any photos you would like to share with the team to this album.  (https://photos.app.goo.gl/T1JHNS974U1Zanko8)
Meeting Links:
Rescheduled 0900 Go/No-Go (same link will be used for 1200 Go/No-go):
Meeting ID: 275 838 816 310 
Passcode: uhuaAU 
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,363687291#   United States
+27 21 834 5594,,363687291#    South Africa 
1400 Forecasting & Flight Planning:
Meeting ID: 238 608 860 280 
Passcode: jxRKdQ 
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,992489477# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,992489477# South Africa