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BioSCape 10/21/23 Mission Daily Schedule

BioSCape Plan of the Day
Saturday, 21 October (All times local)
NASA JSC G-V -- Down Day
Instrument access to the plane
NASA LaRC G-III -- Down Day 
Instrument access to the plane
0600 -- Shuttle, SSUN to FBO (Fire Watch) 
0900 -- Shuttle, SSUN to FBO (Science and Crew) 
TBD -- Shuttle, FBO to SSUN (Science and Crew) 
1800 -- Shuttle, SSUN to FBO (Fire Watch)
1600 - 1700 – Forecasting meeting at SSN, Jasmine Room. Teams link and dial in numbers at end of message.
1. PLEASE use great care when crossing the roadways.  Remember to look all ways for traffic.
2. The FBO conference room has been set up. There will be two bases of operation: Room #103 and Jasmine room at the SSN until 10/20 (moving to larger space - details TBD), and the FBO. 
3. New arrivals, please remember to complete the BioSCape Check-in form.
Key Personnel WhatsApp Contact Info:
Andrian Liem, NASA, Logistics, +1 415 746 0555
Erin Czech, NASA, Site Manager, +1 650 499 6406
Dan Chirica, NASA, Project Manager, +1 925 640 0463
Anabelle Cardoso, UB/UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 72 055 9025
Adam Wilson, UB, Mission Scientist, +1 240 979 7404
Erin Hestir, UCM, Mission Scientist, +1 510 263 6347
Jasper Slingsby, UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 83 406 0581
Photos: Please upload any photos you would like to share with the team to this album.  (https://photos.app.goo.gl/T1JHNS974U1Zanko8)
Meeting Links:
1600 Forecasting Meeting: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZWU5NjBiZWItNmM0Z... (Meeting ID: 238 608 860 280, PC: jxRKdQ), dial in USA: + 256-715-9946,,992489477# and S. Africa: +27 21 834 5594,,992489477#