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ACCLIP 08/19/22 Mission Daily Schedule

Plan of the Day, Aug 19, 2022
New Announcements:

  • For the new arrivals -- don’t forget that the ROK Health department recommends that all arrivals take an Antigen Rapid Test on the 6th or 7th day of your arrival. While it is only a recommendation (it doesn’t have to be reported) the ACCLIP leadership urges you to do so to minimize risk to the mission. You may do the antigen test with one of the test kits that you brought from home, ESPO can also provide you one if you don’t have it.

0630 – 0730: Mission Brief 
LOCATION: Briefing Room, Bldg. 1182 and via WebEx: https://espo.webex.com/espo/j.php?MTID=m75cce888d864e8912e57aa1084b9f47c
·         Meeting number: 2559 958 3664
·         Password: @cclip2022
      Join by phone (Access code: 2559 958 3664)
·         US/Canada: +1-650-479-3207 / +1-855-244-8681
·         Korea: +82-70-7488-5000
NASA WB-57 Schedule:
0400      MX at the hangar 
0500      Instrument Upload
0600      Instruments Hand Off
0630      Mission Brief Go/No-Go (see virtual meeting details above)
0630      Aircraft tow/fuel
0730      Aircrew Suit Up
0745      Aircrew/Cockpit Integration
0830      Engine Start
0850      Taxi
0900      Take Off
1500      Landing
1545      Debrief (Ops Center)/Payload access
NCAR G-V Schedule: (Pavel announcement)
0700    Power and access
1015    Take Off
1445    Landing
Looking Ahead
Saturday (20th) WB-57 Fly Day; G-V Hard Down Day 
Sunday (21st) G-V Maintenance Day

  • If you are the last one leaving any of our facilities, please turn off the lights, set A/C units to 25C
  • You must wear a reflective vest when outside the hangar/ops area (inside the flight line)
  • If the gate close to the hangar is locked, enter or exit through bldg. 1187

To email all ESPO team members on site at Osan AB, please email acclip-espo@espo.nasa.gov