Disclaimer: This material is being kept online for historical purposes. Though accurate at the time of publication, it is no longer being updated. The page may contain broken links or outdated information, and parts may not function in current web browsers. Visit https://espo.nasa.gov for information about our current projects.
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
30 |
31 |
AirMOSS Mission - Alaska
2015-08-28 - 2015-08-31
SRPO Photo Chase - Transit
2015-09-02 - 2015-09-04
HDSS & HIRAD - Hurricane Intercept Mission
2015-07-23 - 2015-10-30
2015-08-21 - 2015-09-16
P-3 Re-Wing, Empenage Work and PDM
2014-08-18 - 2016-06-05
Major Ops Inspection / AP, Nav Data, Comm System Upgrades
2015-03-27 - 2015-11-10
Scheduled Maintenance
2015-07-01 - 2016-01-28
Phase Maintenance
2015-07-01 - 2015-08-31
AirMOSS Mission - ME, MA, NC
2015-09-02 - 2015-09-10
Routine Maintenance
2015-08-24 - 2015-09-04
High Ice Water Content Florida (FR 158014)
2015-08-10 - 2015-08-31
CARVE 2015
2015-09-01 - 2015-09-17
NAAMES Permanent Aircraft Mods
2015-05-26 - 2015-09-04
C-130 Modifications/ Annual Maintenance
2015-06-27 - 2016-04-19
Inmarsat Configuration Mod
2015-08-01 - 2015-11-15
NAMIS Review
2015-08-31 - 2015-09-04
Engine Swap & 200-Hr Maintenance
2015-08-31 - 2015-09-18
HIWC Inst/Radar Download
2015-09-01 - 2015-09-04
HDSS & HIRAD - Hurricane Intercept Mission
2015-07-23 - 2015-10-30
2015-08-21 - 2015-09-16
P-3 Re-Wing, Empenage Work and PDM
2014-08-18 - 2016-06-05
Major Ops Inspection / AP, Nav Data, Comm System Upgrades
2015-03-27 - 2015-11-10
Scheduled Maintenance
2015-07-01 - 2016-01-28
Engine Swap & 200-Hr Maintenance
2015-08-31 - 2015-09-18
CARVE 2015
2015-09-01 - 2015-09-17
AirMOSS Mission - ME, MA, NC
2015-09-02 - 2015-09-10
992 Maintenance
2015-09-11 - 2015-09-18
C-130 Modifications/ Annual Maintenance
2015-06-27 - 2016-04-19
Inmarsat Configuration Mod
2015-08-01 - 2015-11-15
SRPO Photo Chase - Launch Support
2015-09-07 - 2015-09-21
NAAMES - Upload
2015-09-08 - 2015-10-22
Operation IceBridge 2015 on HU-25C
2015-09-09 - 2015-10-23
SRPO Photo Chase - Launch Support
2015-09-07 - 2015-09-21
Operation IceBridge 2015 on HU-25C
2015-09-09 - 2015-10-23
HDSS & HIRAD - Hurricane Intercept Mission
2015-07-23 - 2015-10-30
2015-08-21 - 2015-09-16
Airworthiness Assessment
2015-09-17 - 2015-09-28
P-3 Re-Wing, Empenage Work and PDM
2014-08-18 - 2016-06-05
Major Ops Inspection / AP, Nav Data, Comm System Upgrades
2015-03-27 - 2015-11-10
Scheduled Maintenance
2015-07-01 - 2016-01-28
Engine Swap & 200-Hr Maintenance
2015-08-31 - 2015-09-18
992 Maintenance
2015-09-11 - 2015-09-18
CARVE 2015
2015-09-01 - 2015-09-17
C-130 Modifications/ Annual Maintenance
2015-06-27 - 2016-04-19
Inmarsat Configuration Mod
2015-08-01 - 2015-11-15
NAAMES - Upload
2015-09-08 - 2015-10-22
600-Hour Maintenance
2015-09-14 - 2016-02-11
Methane Sounder/COSS Upload
2015-09-14 - 2015-09-22
SLAPex Delmarva
2015-09-15 - 2015-09-30
SRPO Photo Chase - Launch Support
2015-09-07 - 2015-09-21
SRPO Photo Chase - Transit
2015-09-23 - 2015-09-26
Operation IceBridge 2015 on HU-25C
2015-09-09 - 2015-10-23
HDSS & HIRAD - Hurricane Intercept Mission
2015-07-23 - 2015-10-30
P-3 Re-Wing, Empenage Work and PDM
2014-08-18 - 2016-06-05
Major Ops Inspection / AP, Nav Data, Comm System Upgrades
2015-03-27 - 2015-11-10
Scheduled Maintenance
2015-07-01 - 2016-01-28
600-Hour Maintenance
2015-09-14 - 2016-02-11
Airworthiness Assessment
2015-09-17 - 2015-09-28
SLAPex Delmarva
2015-09-15 - 2015-09-30
C-130 Modifications/ Annual Maintenance
2015-06-27 - 2016-04-19
Inmarsat Configuration Mod
2015-08-01 - 2015-11-15
NAAMES - Upload
2015-09-08 - 2015-10-22
Methane Sounder/COSS Upload
2015-09-14 - 2015-09-22
Methane Sounder (FR 158010)/COSS (FR 158015)
2015-09-23 - 2015-10-08
2015-09-21 - 2015-10-02
HyspIRI Fire Watch Flights (FR 152021)
2015-09-21 - 2015-10-09
AirMOSS Mission - Oregon, Canada
2015-09-21 - 2015-09-30
1 |
2 |
3 |
Operation IceBridge 2015 on HU-25C
2015-09-09 - 2015-10-23
HDSS & HIRAD - Hurricane Intercept Mission
2015-07-23 - 2015-10-30
P-3 Re-Wing, Empenage Work and PDM
2014-08-18 - 2016-06-05
Major Ops Inspection / AP, Nav Data, Comm System Upgrades
2015-03-27 - 2015-11-10
Scheduled Maintenance
2015-07-01 - 2016-01-28
600-Hour Maintenance
2015-09-14 - 2016-02-11
Airworthiness Assessment
2015-09-17 - 2015-09-28
2015-09-29 - 2015-09-30
Block 10 Standup
2015-10-01 - 2017-05-12
2015-09-21 - 2015-10-02
SLAPex Delmarva
2015-09-15 - 2015-09-30
Aircraft Repair
2015-10-01 - 2016-01-08
HyspIRI Fire Watch Flights (FR 152021)
2015-09-21 - 2015-10-09
Methane Sounder (FR 158010)/COSS (FR 158015)
2015-09-23 - 2015-10-08
AirMOSS Mission - Oregon, Canada
2015-09-21 - 2015-09-30
CARVE 2015
2015-10-01 - 2015-10-17
C-130 Modifications/ Annual Maintenance
2015-06-27 - 2016-04-19
Inmarsat Configuration Mod
2015-08-01 - 2015-11-15
NAAMES - Upload
2015-09-08 - 2015-10-22
SIERRA-2 Ground testing and Combined System Testing
2015-09-28 - 2015-10-30
SRPO Photo Chase - Download
2015-09-28 - 2015-09-30
Remote Sensing
2015-10-01 - 2016-01-29
AirMOSS Mission - Alaska
2015-09-30 - 2015-10-01
UAVSAR L-band Mission - Alaska
2015-10-02 - 2015-10-07
Phase Inspection and Avionics Upgrade
2015-09-30 - 2015-12-31
Page Last Updated: April 22, 2017
Page Editor: Brad Bulger
NASA Official: Marilyn Vasques
Website Issues: Contact Us