Daily Schedule

Instrument access day

0700 Hangar / Lab open
0700 - 1500 ER-2 crew support
0800 FFP pre-brief
0900 FFP briefing

Looking ahead
7-16-21 – Flight Day (times are subject to change)
0500 - Hands on
0900 - Takeoff

7-17-21 – Instrument access day
0700 - 1500 ER-2 crew support

Due to suboptimal science targets, instrument issues, and the possibility of thunderstorms around Salina at the time of landing, the DCOTSS leadership decided to postpone the first science flight for July 16.

Instrument access day

0700 - Lab Open
0700 - 1500 ER-2 Support
0700 - 0900 FFP meeting (online and in the flight ops room)
1300 - Preflight-day brief, in-person, in the lab (ground floor). One representative / instrument.

Looking ahead

7-15-21 -- Potential Flight Day (exact times and goals are TBD)
0330 - Open hangar
0400 - Instruments preflight
0600 - Instruments hands-off, ER-2 preflight prep
0800 - Takeoff for an 8h flight

7-16-21 -- Instrument access day

No flight day
0700 – Hangar open
0700 – 1500 ER-2 Crew available
Tomorrow instrument workday.

0800 Hangar 606 access
1000 ER-2 crew show up
1000 Ramp driving orientation
1200 ER-2 Take Off, transit to Salina
~1500 ER-2 Salina landing

The ER-2 is scheduled to transit to Salina, landing around 1500 local.
In Palmdale, Sommer will ship the rest of the science equipment and the dangerous goods.
Those in Palmdale, please ... please assist Sommer with staging and packing your equipment. She has been working very hard managing this very complex shipment. It took three of us more than an hour offloading the science equipment shipment that she loaded by herself.

Looking forward to seeing you all here in Salina and start the DCOTSS science flights. Safe travels!

ER-2 -- Hard down day.
0800 -- 1600 hangar access
We were hard at work preparing the Salina site for this deployment.
Tomorrow, we expect the science equipment track to arrive and we are looking forward to the arrival of more team members.

Final Packing Day - (contact ESPO if needed and have not already let us know)

Trucks to Salina are planned to depart AFRC July 7 and arrive in Salina July 9. Most of the crew will travel on July 8 to Salina. ER-2 indicates there will be 3 hours of hands-on access July 12, for transit upload.

Keep sommer.nicholas@nasa.gov in the loop for shipping and let her know if you will need to ship specific gases from Palmdale to Salina.

Great job everyone with DCOTSS integration! Only more fun to come in Salina, see you all soon!

Packing Day- Juneteenth (No Plane Access)
0700 - 1700 FN Support

Note: Take precautions for the heat and the lab chill

June 19 - Packing Day (tentative)

Trucks to Salina are planned to depart AFRC July 7 and arrive in Salina July 9. Most of the crew will travel on July 8 to Salina. ER-2 indicates there will be 3 hours of hands-on access July 12, for transit upload. Take note of what equipment will stay for transit and need to be sent to Salina following take off- label appropriately and place off to the side of the lab.  If you are keeping an instrument in the lab, please notify ESPO.  Begin staging equipment that will stay in Palmdale during deployment on the 3rd floor and equipment that will ship to Salina on the hangar floor.

Keep sommer.nicholas@nasa.gov in the loop for shipping and let her know if you will need to ship specific gases from Palmdale to Salina.

Science Flight (6-hour flight)

0500 Hands-on for HAL/UCATS
0530 WI-ICOS, HUPCRS (power on)
0600 Nose and everyone else
0600 Briefing (online)
0700 Hands off
0900 Take off
1500 Landing

Note: We will use the Slack flight-ops channel for flight communications. Take precautions for the heat and the lab chill

June 18- Packing Day
June 19- Packing Day (tentative)

Shipping: For shipping and gas requirements, please continue working with sommer.nicholas@nasa.gov

0700- 1500 ER-2 Crew Support
0700- 1700 ESPO/ FNE Support
0900- 1100 Science Flight FFP Meeting

Note: Take Precautions from the heat- Hydrate, take breaks.

June 17 Science Flight #1
June 18 RDO Packing Day (no aircraft access)
June 19 Additional Packing Day (if needed, no aircraft access)

Due: ESPO Database Transit flight travel updates https://espo.nasa.gov/dcotss (sign in)

Lab and Hangar Access
0700- 1500 ER-2 Crew support
0700- 1700 ESPO & FNE Support

Note: Take precautions for the heat. Hydrate!

June 16 – No flight- lab and hangar day
June 17 – Science Flight #1. ESPO database updates for transit day due.
June 18 – Packing day