Daily Schedule

POD 08-12-21 No flight day/instrument access day

0700 Hangar/Lab access
0800-1600 ER-2 support
0800 FFP meeting
0930 All hands meeting
1600 Science team meeting

Looking ahead

08-13-21 RF09 Science Flight & WB coordination opportunity

· There will be a hard down day Monday, latest.
· Book your Element hotel room for de-integration in Palmdale by today to get the room block rate.
· Handle critical SSAI business Thursday instead of Friday this week, if possible.

No flight day/instrument access day

0700 Hangar/Lab access
0800-1400 ER-2 support
1000 FFP meeting

Looking ahead

08-12-21 Science Team Meeting 1600
08-13-21 RF09 Science Flight Opportunity, coordinated with WB

Flight Day RF08

0400: FFP meeting
0500: Crew show / Hands On
0600: Crew brief
0700: Hands-off
0900: Take-off
1630: Landing (Approximate)
1800: Ground crew end crew duty day

Looking Ahead

08-11-21 Lab access 0700; ER-2 support 0800-1600
08-12-21 Lab access 0700; ER-2 support 0800-1600
08-13-21 RF09 Science Flight Opportunity

If you are traveling to Palmdale for de-integration, use our room block with the Element. See the Logistics section of the ESPO DCOTSS site for more info. Reserve by August 11.

No flight day/instrument access day

0730 Hangar/Lab access
0800-1600 ER-2 support
0800 FFP meeting
0930 All hands meeting

Looking ahead

08-10-21 RF08 Science Flight Opportunity

Hard Down Day

0800 Hangar/lab open
0900 FFP meeting

Looking ahead

08-09-21 No flight day/Instrument access day. Hangar/lab access and ER-2 support 0800-1600.
08-10-21 RF08 Science Flight Opportunity

No flight day/Instrument access day; half day crew support

0900 Hangar/lab access (by request. Please talk to ESPO.)
1300-1700 ER-2 crew support

Looking ahead

08-08-21 Hard Down Day -- no crew support; lab/hangar access 0800
08-09-21 No flight day/Instrument access day
08-10-21 RF08 Science Flight Opportunity

Flight Day RF07

1000 FFP meeting
1300 Hands on
1400 Pre-flight brief
1500 Hands off
1700 Take off
2100 Salina balloon launch (approximate)
2350 Landing (approximate)
0100 Crew duty day ends

Looking Ahead
08-07-21 Lab access 1200. ER-2 crew support 1300-1700
08-08-21 Hard down day. Hangar/lab access 0800

Flight Day RF07

1000 FFP meeting
1300 Hands on
1400 Pre-flight brief
1500 Hands off
1700 Take off
2100 Salina balloon launch (approximate)
2350 Landing (approximate)
0100 Crew duty day ends

Looking Ahead
08-07-21 Lab access 1200. ER-2 crew support 1300-1700
08-08-21 Hard down day. Hangar/lab access 0800

Prof Flight Day

0700 hangar open and hands on
0900 hands off
0930 crew brief
1000 FFP meeting
1100 Prof #1 takeoff (~30 min)
1130 All Hands briefing
1230 Prof #2 takeoff (~30 min)
1345 photos; see Slack 2021-deployments channel
1500 ground crew duty day ends

Looking Ahead

08-06-21 RF07 - potential 1700 takeoff
08-07-21 potential half day instrument access
08-08-21 potential hard down day

No flight day/instrument access day

0700 Hangar/Lab access
0800-1600 ER-2 support
0900 FFP meeting

Looking ahead

08-05-21 Prof Flight Opportunity 0700 hands on; takeoffs 1100 and 1230; hands on 1400; 1500 end crew day (tentative)
08-06-21 Science Flight Opportunity

There will a hard down day Sunday at the latest.