
Monday, April 23

  • 06:00 - 17:30  A/C access
  • 07:00  Badging office opens
  • 09:00  Weather briefing
  • 10:00  Flight planning meeting
  • 13:00  Daily meeting and CI/CT briefing in B703 lab
  • LN2 and dry ice delivery scheduled


Friday, 4/13 Accomplishments
Media Day
Successful conduct of TF02
All objectives met; good flight

Instruments do not have to be in flight configuration
prior to your departure as there will be no flights until PMD/PMD (4/24)

Saturday, 4/14 Plans
None, beginning of Problem Resolution Period

The Plan of the Day will take a hiatus until 4/22


Thursday, 4/12 Accomplishments
Instruments prepared for TF02

Friday, 4/13 Plan
06:00    a/c access
07:30    preflight in lab
08:30    door closed
09:00    take off
After landing:
instrument power down
a/c towed into hangar
2 hour a/c access

Saturday, 4/14
only essential a/c access

(ops engineer & avionics support only)


Wednesday, 4/11 Accomplishments
Weather brief
Flight planning meeting
Instrument flight preparations

Thursday, 4/12 Plans
06:00    a/c access
07:30    preflight briefing in lab
08:30    door closed
09:00    take-off

Styrofoam coffee cups are no longer being provided on the a/c
You must bring your own cup and it must have a lid
Make sure to use the headsets to save your ears


Tuesday, 4/10 Accomplishments
Successful conduct of Atom-4 TF01
Almost exactly 5 hour flight
Flux maneuvers went well
Low altitude MMS

Wednesday, 4/11 Plan
06:00-16:00 a/c access
09:00 Weather brief
10:00 Flight planning meeting
13:00 Lab meeting

Thursday, 4/12 Plan
06:00 a/c access
07:30 preflight in lab
08:30 door close
09:00 Take-off


Monday, 4/9 Accomplishments
Instruments prepared for Test Flight #1
First ATom-4 weather brief
First ATom-4 flight brief
A/C towed outside at 13:30
Pilot proficiency flight (16:00 take-off)

Tuesday, 4/10 Plan
06:00 a/c access on ramp
10:30 preflight briefing in lab
11:30 a/c door closed
12:00 take-off for ~ 5 hour flight
Post flight in lab 


Friday, March 30 Accomplishments

  • GT-CIMS, NOAA CIMS, CIT-CIMS, and WAS are flight ready. The DC-8 is fully integrated for ATom-4.

Week of 4/2 - 4/6

  • Beginning Saturday: CIT-CIMS daily LN2 servicing in the morning
  • Monday, April 2: A/C outside for testing. No A/C access except for CalTech LN2 servicing.
  • Tuesday, April 3: W&B/cabin pressure tests. No A/C access during tests.
  • Wednesday, April 4: AFRC Safety Stand Down Day. No A/C access all day (except for LN2 servicing).
  • Thursday, April 5: A/C access from 06:00 - 15:30
  • Friday, April 6: Possible RVSM recertification/pilot proficiency flight. Contact Tim Moes for details.

Week of 4/9 - 4/13

  • Monday, April 9: A/C access from 06:00 - 14:30. Prof flight after access closes.
  • Tuesday, April 10: Test Flight #1
  • Wednesday, April 11: A/C access from 06:00 - 17:30
  • Thursday, April 12: Test Flight #2
  • Friday, April 13: Media Day


Thursday, March 29 Accomplishments

  • GT-CIMS, NOAA CIMS, and CIT-CIMS installed and power checked
  • PANTHER/UCATS running instruments in lab

Friday, March 30 Plan

  • WAS to continue integration
  • 06:00 - 09:00: A/C outside for testing. Access to the a/c is available at this time, but bring ear protection - the testing will be loud.
  • 09:00 - 16:30: A/C access inside hangar
  • 13:00: Daily brief in lab

Next week

  • Beginning Saturday: CIT-CIMS daily LN2 servicing in the morning
  • Monday, April 2: A/C access from 06:00 - 15:30
  • Tuesday, April 3: W&B/cabin pressure tests. No A/C access during tests.
  • Wednesday, April 4: AFRC Safety Stand Down Day. No A/C access all day.
  • Thursday, April 5: A/C access from 06:00 - 15:30
  • Friday, April 6: Possible flight activity. Contact Tim Moes for details.


Wednesday, March 28 Accomplishments

  • WAS racks on aircraft
  • GT-CIMS powered on aircraft, running lines to cylinder rack
  • NOAA CIMS and CIT-CIMS finishing up integration, testing on aircraft
  • MMS working on software
  • PANTHER/UCATS running instruments in lab

Thursday, March 29 Plan

  • 06:00 - 17:30: A/C Access
  • 13:00: Daily brief in lab
  • 13:30: Egress training
  • WAS window plate and inlet to be installed

Other notes:

  • Please sign in on arrival to the instrument lab, and sign out when leaving for the day. There is a clipboard hanging by the entrance.
  • If you are bringing drinks into the cabin, please only use containers with spill proof lids. No coffee cups, soft drink cups, etc.


Tuesday, March 27 Accomplishments

  • CIT-CIMS pump installed and instrument powered. Team is finishing up integration and will begin cryo servicing either this afternoon or tomorrow.
  • NOAA CIMS and GT-CIMS racks on aircraft
  • MMS working on software
  • PANTHER/UCATS running instruments in lab

Wednesday, March 28 Plan

  • 06:00 - 17:30: A/C Access
  • CIT-CIMS, NOAA CIMS, and GT-CIMS continue integration
  • WAS installation


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