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IMPACTS 02/29/20 Mission Daily Schedule

Dear IMPACTS friends,
Today is our last scheduled project day, so this email is to say CONGRATULATIONS!!  and Thank you!  for a job well done!
The first year of IMPACTS operations was a success because of everyone’s dedication and commitment to the project. Now is time to take a breath, and start your data analysis and prep yourself for our science meeting (we are checking some final details and we will announce the date and location in the next couple of days).
The next few days will see some activity at WFF and Hunter while the crew download and pack their instruments. Please don’t forget your ESPO crew is on hand to help and answer any questions you might have.
Have a safe trip back home, and I look forward to see you all for the IMPACTS 2021 deployment (integration is ~9 months away!).
Best regards!
Vidal Salazar