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IMPACTS 02/28/20 Mission Daily Schedule

Plan of the day for the next couple of days

IMPACTS General 
No general calls scheduled
IMPACTS P-3 - Wallops
Saturday, Feb 29
Packing – Lab access only
No aircraft access
Sunday, Mar 01
Packing – Lab access only
No aircraft access
IMPACTS ER-2 - Hunter 
Saturday, Feb 29
Hard down day
Sunday, Mar 01
Aircraft Access / Packing 0800 – 1530
ESPO Crew on Deck
Wallops: Vidal Salazar (650 318-8257), Judy Alfter (650 559-4229)
Hunter:   Katie Stern   (650 440-8749 ), Brent Williams (831 247-8242)
IMPACTS Webex telecon : +844 467 4685  code: 804464#