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ORACLES 10/05/18 Mission Daily Schedule

POD for Oct 5th – EARLY FLY DAY 
Science Flight #PRF05Y18
0230 Flyers pick up Hotel Boxed Breakfast
0230 Weather Briefing
0245 Shuttle: Hotel to Airport 
0330 Shuttle: Hotel to Airport
0415 Shuttle: Hotel to Airport (to view takeoff)
0430 P-3 doors closed
0500 P-3 takeoff - 8 hour flight
0515 Shuttle: Airport to Hotel
1000 Weather and aerosol weather forecasts 
1100 Daily flight planning meeting
1200 Shuttle: Hotel to Airport
1300 P-3 Landing
1300-1400 Access possibly 1 hour - tbd
1315 Shuttle: Airport to Hotel 
1345 Hotel to SuperCKDO to drop off shoppers then to Airport
~1415 tbd Shuttle: Airport to SuperCKDO to pick up shoppers and then to Hotel