NASA Ames Research Center
Business Phone
(650) 604-6164
First Author Publications
Potter, C., and J. Weigand (2018), Imaging analysis of biological soil crusts to understand surface heating properties in the Mojave Desert of California, Catena, 170, 1-9, doi:10.1016/j.catena.2018.05.033.
Potter, C. (2018), Recovery Rates of Wetland Vegetation Greenness in Severely Burned Ecosystems of Alaska Derived from Satellite Image Analysis, 10, 1456, doi:10.3390/rs10091456.
Potter, C. (2018), Christopher Potter, “Differing ecosystem responses of vegetation cover to extreme drought on the Big Sur, Differing ecosystem responses of, 12, 26031, doi:10.1117/1.JRS.12.026031.
Potter, C. (2015), Assessment of the Immediate Impacts of the 2013–2014 Drought on Ecosystems of the California Central Coast, Western North American Naturalist, 75, 129-145, doi:10.3398/064.075.0202.
Potter, C., et al. (2015), Storage of carbon in U. S. forests predicted from satellite data, ecosystem modeling, and inventory summaries, Climatic Change, in press (manuscript in preparation).
Potter, C. (2015), A Case Study of Forest and Woodland Habitat Loss to Disturbance and Development in an Ex-Urban Landscape: Santa Clara County, California 1999-2009. Current Urban Studies, 3, 18, doi:10.4236/cus.2015.31003.
Potter, C. (2015), Landscape Patterns of Vegetation Canopy Regrowth Following Wildfires in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, Open Journal of Forestry, 5, 723-732, doi:10.4236/ojf.2015.57064.
Potter, C., et al. (2014), Modeling methane emissions from Amazon floodplain ecosystems, Wetlands, 34, 501-511, doi:10.1007/s13157-014-0516-3.
Potter, C. (2014), C. S.. Global assessment of damage to coastal ecosystem vegetation from tropical storms, Remote Sensing Letters, 5, 315-322, doi:10.1080/2150704X.2014.902546.
Potter, C. (2014), Geographic analysis of burn severity for the 2013 California Rim Fire, Natural Resources, 5, 597-597, doi:10.4236/nr.2014.511052.
Potter, C. (2014), Regional analysis of NASA satellite greenness trends for ecosystems of arctic Alaska, Intl. Journal of Geosciences, 5, 997,
Potter, C. (2014), Regional analysis of MODIS satellite greenness trends for ecosystems of interior Alaska, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 51, 390-402.
Potter, C. (2014), Microclimate influences on vegetation water availability and net primary production in coastal ecosystems of Central California, Landscape Ecology, 29, 677-687, doi:10.1077/s10980-014-002-6.
Potter, C. (2013), Ten years of land cover change on the California coast detected using Landsat satellite image analysis: Part 1 - Marin and San francisco counties, Journal of Coastal Conservation, doi:10.1007/s11852-013-0255-2.
Potter, C. (2013), Ten years of land cover change on the California coast detected using Landsat satellite image analysis: Part 2 - San Mateo and Santa Cruz counties, Journal of Coastal Conservation, doi:10.1007/s11852-013-0270-3.
Potter, C. (2013), Ten years of vegetation change in northern California marshlands detected using Landsat satellite image analysis, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 5, 485-494, doi:10.4236/jwarp.2013.55048.
Potter, C., et al. (2013), Alaska ecosystem carbon fluxes estimated from 3 MODIS satellite data inputs from 2000 to 2010, Carbon Balance and Management, 8, 12.
Potter, C., et al. (2013), Forest production predicted from satellite image analysis for the Southeast Asia region, Carbon Balance and Management, 8, 9.
Potter, C., et al. (2013), Changes in Alaskan tundra ecosystems estimated from MODIS greenness trends, 2000 to 2010, Journal of Geophysics & Remote Sensing, 2, 107, doi:10.4172/2169-0049.1000107.
Potter, C., et al. (2013), Changes in the terrestrial carbon cycle of China during the 2010 drought, Journal of Earth Science Climate Change, 4, 141, doi:10.4172/2157-7617.1000141.
Potter, C., et al. (2012), Analysis of sapling density regeneration in Yellowstone National Park with hyperspectral remote sensing data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 114, 251-264.
Potter, C., et al. (2012), Terrestrial ecosystem carbon fluxes predicted from MODIS satellite data and large-scale disturbance modeling, International Journal of Geosciences, doi:10.4236/ijg.2012.
Potter, C., et al. (2012), Net primary production of terrestrial ecosystems from 2000 to 2009, Climatic Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-012-0460-2.
Potter, C., et al. (2011), Changes in the carbon cycle of Amazon ecosystems during the 2010 drought., Environ. Res. Lett., 6, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/6/3/034024.
Potter, C., et al. (2011), Carbon fluxes in ecosystems of Yellowstone National Park predicted from remote sensing data and simulation modeling., Carbon Balance and Management, 6, 1-16, doi:10.1186/1750-0680-6-3.
Potter, C. (2010), The Carbon Budget of California, Environmental Science and Policy, doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2010.04.008.
Potter, C., et al. (2010), Modeling river discharge rates in California watersheds, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 1, 36-36, doi:10.2166/wcc.2010.012.
Potter, C., et al. (2009), Carbon emissions from deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon region, Biogeosciences, 6, 2369-2381.
Potter, C., et al. (2009), Terrestrial carbon sinks in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado region predicted from MODIS satellite data and ecosystem modeling, Biogeosciences Discuss., 6, 1-23.
Potter, C., et al. (2008), Terrestrial vegetation dynamics and global climate controls, Clim. Dyn., 31, 67-78, doi:10.1007/s00382-007-0339-5.
Potter, C., et al. (2008), Terrestrial vegetation dynamics and global climate controls in North America: 2001-05, Earth Interactions, 12, 1-12.
Potter, C., et al. (2007), Net primary productivity of forest stands in New Hampshire estimated from Landsat and MODIS satellite data, Carbon Balance and Management, 2, 9.
Potter, C., et al. (2007), Revealing Land Cover Change in California With Satellite Data, EOS Trans. , AGU, 88, 269-274.
Potter, C., et al. (2007), Satellite-derived estimates of potential carbon sequestration though afforestation of agricultural lands in the United States, Climatic Change, 80, 323-336.
Potter, C., et al. (2007), Terrestrial carbon sinks for the United States predicted from MODIS satellite data and ecosystem modeling, Earth Interactions, 11, 13.
Potter, C., et al. (2007), Recent history of trends in vegetation greenness and large-scale ecosystem disturbances in Eurasia, Tellus, 59, 260-272.
Potter, C., et al. (2005), Variability in terrestrial carbon sinks over two decades: Part 2 - Eurasia, Global and Planetary Change, 49, 177-186.
Potter, C., et al. (2005), Recent history of large-scale ecosystem disturbances in North America derived from the AVHRR satellite record, Ecosystems, 8, 808.
Potter, C., et al. (2004), Understanding global teleconnections of climate to regional model estimates of Amazon ecosystem carbon fluxes, Global Change Biology, 10, 693-703.
Potter, C., et al. (2004), Understanding controls on historical river discharge in the world's largest drainage basins, Earth Interactions, 8, 2.
Potter, C. (2004), Predicting climate change effects on vegetation, soil thermal dynamics, and carbon cycling in ecosystems of interior Alaska, Ecological Modeling, 175, 1-24.
Potter, C., et al. (2003), Modeling terrestrial biogenic sources of oxygenated orga nic emissions, Earth Interactions, 7, 7.
Potter, C., et al. (2003), Regional modeling of ammonia emissions from native soil sources in California, Earth Interactions, 7, 11.
Potter, C., et al. (2003), Continental scale comparisons of terrestrial carbon sinks estimated from satellite data and ecosystem modeling 1982-98, Global and Planetary Change, 39, 201-213.
Potter, C., et al. (2003), Global teleconnections of climate to terrestrial carbon flux, J. Geophys. Res., 108, D17, doi:10.1029/2002JD002979.
Potter, C., et al. (2003), Variability in terrestrial carbon sinks over two decades, Part 1 - North America. Earth Interactions, 7, 12.
Potter, C., et al. (2003), Major disturbance events in terrestrial ecosystems detected using global satellite data sets, Global Change Biology, 9, 1005-1021.
Potter, C., et al. (2002), Biomass burning emissions of reactive gases estimated from satellite data analysis and ecosystem modeling for the Brazilian Amazon region, J. Geophys. Res., 107, doi:10.1029/2000JD000250.
Potter, C., et al. (2001), Modeling biogenic emissions of isoprene: Exploration of model drivers, climate control algorithms, and use of global satellite observations, Atmos. Environ., 35, 6151-6165.
Potter, C., et al. (2001), Comparison of boreal ecosystem model sensitivity to variablity in climate and forest site parameters, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 33,671-.
Potter, C., et al. (2001), Ecosystem modeling and dynamic effects of deforestation on trace gas fluxes in Amazon tropical forests, Forest Ecology and Management., 152, 97-117.
Potter, C., et al. (2001), Modeling seasonal and interannual variability in ecosystem carbon cycling for the Brazilian Amazon region, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 10,423-10.
Potter, C., et al. (2001), Biomass burning losses of carbon estimated from ecosystem modeling and satellite data analysis for the Brazilian Amazon region, Atmos. Environ., 35, 1773-1781.
Potter, C., et al. (2001), Ecosystem modeling of methane and carbon dioxide fluxes for boreal forest sites, Canadian J. Forest Res., 31, 208-223.
Potter, C., and S.A. Klooster (1999), Dynamic global vegetation modeling (DGVM) for prediction of plant functional types and biogenic trace gas fluxes, Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters., 8, 473-488.
Potter, C., and S.A. Klooster (1999), Detecting a terrestrial biosphere sink for carbon dioxide: Interannual ecosystem modeling for the mid-1980s, Climatic Change, 42, 489-503.
Potter, C., et al. (1999), Interannual variability in terrestrial net primary production: Exploration of trends and controls on regional to global scales, Ecosystems, 2, 36-48.
Potter, C., et al. (1999), Investigations of BOREAS spatial data in support of regional ecosystem modeling, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 27,771-27.
Potter, C. (1999), Terrestrial biomass and the effects of deforestation on the global carbon cycle, BioScience., 49, 769-778.
Potter, C., and S.A. Klooster (1997), Global model estimates of carbon and nitrogen storage in litter and soil pools: Response to change in vegetation quality and biomass allocation, Tellus, 49B, 1-17.
Potter, C., et al. (1997), Simulation modeling of nitrogen trace gas emissions along an age gradient of tropical forest soils, Ecological Modelling., 97, 179-196.
Potter, C. (1997), An ecosystem simulation model for methane production and emission from wetlands, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 11, 495-506.
Potter, C. (1996), Estimation of the seasonal cycle of greenhouse gas fluxes from the terrestrial biosphere: Status and challenges for more mechanistic understanding, World Resource Review, 8.1, 36-60.
Potter, C., et al. (1996), Estimation of global biogeochemical controls and seasonality in soil methane consumption, Chemosphere, 32.11, 2219-2246.
Potter, C., et al. (1996), Process modeling of controls on nitrogen trace gas emissions from soils world-wide, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 1361-1377.
Potter, C., et al. (1996), Production and consumption of carbon monoxide in soils: A global model analysis of spatial and seasonal variation, Chemosphere, 33.6, 1175-1193.
Potter, C., et al. (1993), Terrestrial Ecosystem Production: A Process Model Based On Global Satellite and Surface Data, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, . In press.
Note: Only publications that have been uploaded to the ESD Publications database are listed here.
Co-Authored Publications
Philip, S., et al. (2019), Prior biosphere model impact on global terrestrial CO2 fluxes estimated from OCO-2 retrievals, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 13267-13287, doi:10.5194/acp-19-13267-2019.
Weigand, J., and C. Potter (2018), Imaging analysis of biological soil crusts to understand surface heating properties in the Mojave Desert of California, ScienceDirect, doi:10.1016/j.catena.2018.05.033.
Fairweather, S., et al. (2012), A comparison of multispectral ASTER and Hyperspectral AVIRIS Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis for sagebrush and herbaceous cover in Yellowstone, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 78, 23-33.
Huntzinger, D.N., et al. (2012), North American Carbon Program (NACP) regional interim synthesis: Terrestrial biospheric model intercomparison, Ecological Modelling, 232, 144-157, doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2012.02.004.
Karpatne, A., et al. (2012), New algorithms for detecting forest fires on a global scale from MODIS time series analysis, Remote Sens. Environ. (submitted).
Li, S., et al. (2012), Fusion of hyperspectral and L-band SAR data to estimate fractional vegetation cover in a coastal California scrub community, Journal of Geophysics & Remote Sensing, 1, 104, doi:10.4172/jgrs.1000104.
Li, S., et al. (2012), Monitoring of Net Primary Production in California Rangelands Using Landsat and MODIS Satellite Remote Sensing, Natural Resources, 3, 56-65.
Li, S., and C. Potter (2012), Patterns of aboveground biomass regeneration in post-fire coastal scrub communities, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 49, 182-201.
Shupe, J., and C. Potter (2012), Modeling Discharge Rates for the Merced River in Yosemite National Park, Journal of the American Water Resources Association (submitted).
Geremia, C., et al. (2011), Predicting Bison Migration out of Yellowstone National Park using Bayesian Models, PLoS ONE, 6, e16848, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016848.
Clinton, N.E., et al. (2010), Remote Sensing Based Time-Series Analysis of Cheatgrass (L.) Phenology, Journal of Environmental Quality, 955-963, doi:10.2134/jeq2009.0158.
Crabtree, R., et al. (2009), A modeling and spatio-temporal analysis framework for monitoring environmental change using NPP as an ecosystem indicator, Remote Sensing of Environment, 113, 1486-1496, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2008.12.014.
Huang, S., et al. (2009), Estimating the quantity and quality of coarse woody debris in Yellowstone post-fire forest ecosystem from fusion of SAR and optical data, Remote Sensing of Environment, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2009.05.001.
Huang, S., et al. (2009), Fusing optical and radar data to estimate sagebrush, herbaceous, and bare ground cover in Yellowstone, Remote Sensing of Environment, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2009.09.013.
Ichii, K., et al. (2007), Constraining rooting depths in tropical rainforests using satellite data and ecosystem modeling for accurate simulation of GPP seasonality, Global Change Biology, 13, 67-77.
Decker, K.L.M., et al. (2005), Mathematical simulation of the diel O, S, and C biogeochemistry of a hypersaline microbial mat, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 52, 377-395.
Buermann, W., et al. (2003), Interannual covariability in Northern Hemisphere air temperatures and greenness associated with El Niño-southern oscillation and the Arctic oscillation, J. Geophys. Res., 108, D13, doi:10.1029/2002JD002630.
Buermann, W., et al. (2003), Analysis of a multiyear global vegetation leaf area index data set, J. Geophys. Res., 107, D22, doi:10.1029/2001JD000975.
Kramer, M., et al. (2003), New Insight: A Martian waterway of ancient lakes and discontinuous rivers, Eos, 84, 1-6.
Raich, J.W., et al. (2002), Interannual variability in global soil respiration, 1980-1994.Global Change Biology, 8, 800-812.
Amthor, J.S., et al. (2001), Boreal forest CO2 exchange and evapotranspiration predicted by nine ecosystem process models: Inter-model comparisons and relations to field measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 33,623-.
Del Grosso, S.J., et al. (2000), General CH4 oxidation model and comparisons of CH4 oxidation in natural and managed systems, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 14, 999-1020.
Nepstad, D.C., et al. (1999), Large-scale impoverishment of Amazonian forests by logging and fire, Nature, 398, 505-508.
Raich, J.W., and C. Potter (1995), Global patterns of carbon dioxide emissions from soils, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 9.1, 23-26.
Raich, J.W., and C. Potter (1994), Seasonal Resolution of Global Patterns in Soil Carbon Dioxide Fluxes, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, . In press.
Note: Only publications that have been uploaded to the ESD Publications database are listed here.