REMINDER: "Aerosols and their Uptake in Models and Assimilation" session at the Living Planet Symposium, 23-27 May, 2022 Bonn Germany
Daily Schedule
Plan of the Day (POD) for Monday, 5 Aug
Fly Day - PTF #2 High Altitude
0630 N-159 front door unlocked
0700 Project Science Weather Brief- go/no go decision (see email for webex info)
0800 Access and power
0915 Onboard Safety Brief
0930 Doors close
1000 Takeoff For PTF #2: High Altitude
1500 RTB at WFF (nominal)
1530 PTF#2 Debrief (see email for call in number)
Plan of the Day
Saturday, 3 August – Test Flight - Plenary
Forecast suggests acceptable conditions in the warning area W-386. Saturday plan dependent upon a successful ATF on Friday. Conditions look favorable for Sunday, should we need to postpone.
0700 Weather briefing followed by go/no-go call.
0800 Aircraft access to instrument teams
0900 Power check all instruments. All teams to have someone at their instrument
1030 Doors close
1100 Takeoff
1600 Land
1630 Debrief (location TBD). Aircraft and instrument teams to have a representative. Will assess status for flight on Sunday.
Sunday, 4 August – Test Flight – High Altitude
Planning a high-altitude test flight to give more time to the remote sensors. The plenary flight may shift to this day, depending on the outcome of the ATF and Saturday’s weather. Conditions look favorable for this flight on Monday, if needed.
Monday, 5 August
Contingency test flight day
Tuesday, 6 August
Contingency test flight day
Plenary Telecon:
Tuesday, Jul 30, 2019 8:00 am | 1 hour | (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada
COMING UP: CAMP2Ex Science Team Meeting
January 23-25, 2018
Beckman Institute Auditorium
CalTech, Pasadena
1200 E California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125
CalTech Map:
October 5th, 2017
CAMP2Ex Planning/Management Meeting (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Start Dur. (min) Topic
08:00 5 Welcome-Jay
08:05 25 Programmatic remarks-Hal
08:30 40 Mission overview -Jeff
09:10 15 Cloud physics and modeling science -Sue
09:25 15 Cloud-Precip science-Jay & Simone
09:40 20 Break
10:00 20 Radiation-Larry
10:20 15 Composition-Luke & Jeff (telecon)
10:35 15 Remote sensing-Bob
10:50 30 ESPO-P3 configuration-ARC/WFF (telecon) (1250 Eastern)
11:20 15 P3 performance Ferrare (telecon)
11:35 15 Lear 35-Lawson
11:50 70 Lunch
13:00 30 ESPO project management and logistics
13:30 90 Operations concepts and scorecards(P3, lear, ship, ground, etc)
15:00 20 Forecasting-Jeff and Bob
15:20 20 Break
15:40 15 International perspective-Jeff and Hal
15:55 15 Get Manila on the phone?
16:10 50 Next steps
17:00 Adjourn