Seinfeld, J.H., G. Carmichael, R. Arimoto, W.C. Conant, F.J. Brechtel, T. Bates, T.A. Cahill, A. Clarke, S. Doherty, P.J. Flatau, B.J. Huebert, J. Kim, K.M. Markowicz, P.K. Quinn, L.M. Russell, P.B. Russell, A. Shimizu, Y. Shinozuka, C.H. Song, Y. Tang, I. Uno, A.M. Vogelmann, R. Weber, J. Woo, and X.Y. Zhang (2004), Ace-Asia: Regional Climatic and Atmospheric Chemical Effects of Asian Dust and Pollution, Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 367-380, doi:10.1175/BAMS-85-3-367.
A large international field experiment and use of transport modeling has yielded physical, chemical, and radiative properties of the abundant aerosols originating from Asia.
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