PACE-PAX 08/28/24 Mission Daily Schedule

Meetings (all times PDT):
0900:  Weather Briefing, Mission Status and Flight Planning Meeting (AFRC: 1731 Conf. Room)
1300:  ER-2 Weather Brief (AFRC: 1731 Conf. Room)
NASA ER-2: Check Flight 
0600: Preflight Science Weather Briefing (Teams and 1731)
0630: Instruments Hands On
0700: Mission Briefing ER-2 Go/NoGo (Teams and Lab 1720)
    *NOTE: A representative from each instrument must be present*
0730: Instrument Hands Off / ER-2 Tow out
1000: ER-2 Check Flight Takeoff
1300: Landing
1345:  Flight Debrief

PACE-PAX 08/27/24 Mission Daily Schedule

Meetings (all times PDT):
0900:  Weather, Mission and Flight Planning Meeting (AFRC: 1731 Conf. Room)
1300:  ER-2 Weather Brief (AFRC: 1731 Conf. Room)

0630 - 1100: Aircraft access
1200:  Begin CST

CIRPAS Twin Otter 
0800:  Hangar access

1. The Edwards Visitor Control Center (VCC) hours Mon – Fri 0700 – 1530 
2. Please refer to the PACE-PAX Deployment Guide for information on WhatsApp groups

PACE-PAX 08/23/24 Mission Daily Schedule

NASA ER-2 (all times PDT)
0700 - 1500: Aircraft Access
1000 - 1100:  ER-2 Meeting in Conference Room 1731 (and Teams)

CIRPAS Twin Otter 
The LARGE team is onsite setting up ground site observation instruments in the tower.

1. The Edwards Visitor Control Center (VCC) hours Mon – Fri 0700 – 1530 
2. Please refer to the PACE-PAX Deployment Guide for information on WhatsApp groups

PACE-PAX 08/26/24 Mission Daily Schedule

Meetings (all times PDT):
0900:  Weather, Mission and Flight Planning Meeting (AFRC: 1731 Conf. Room)
1300:  ER-2 Weather Brief (AFRC: 1731 Conf. Room)
0630 - 0800: Aircraft access
0800 - 0900: Network Check
0900:  Begin CST
1130 - 1530: Aircraft access
CIRPAS Twin Otter 
0800:  Hangar access
1. The Edwards Visitor Control Center (VCC) hours Mon – Fri 0700 – 1530 

Shifting Sea Ice is Making Sailing Ships Through the Northwest Passage More Difficult

GEOGRAPHY REALM - The Northwest Passage connects ship traffic through the Arctic Ocean to connect the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. The passage winds through a cluster of islands north of mainland Canada, offering a potentially shorter route between oceans but posing significant challenges due to the unpredictable Arctic waters and shifting ice.

PACE-PAX 08/22/24 Mission Daily Schedule
NASA – PACE-PAX Plan of the Day
Thursday 22 August 2024 (all times PDT)

0630 - 0830: No instrument aircraft access
0830 - 1530: Aircraft access

CIRPAS Twin Otter 
The LARGE team is onsite setting up ground site observation instruments in the tower.

1. The Edwards Visitor Control Center (VCC) hours Mon – Fri 0700 – 1530 
2. Please refer to the PACE-PAX Deployment Guide for information on WhatsApp groups

PACE-PAX 08/21/24 Mission Daily Schedule
NASA – PACE-PAX Plan of the Day
Wednesday 21 August 2024 (all times PDT)

0600 - 1200:  Pressure test, no aircraft access (pods that are in the lab will not be pressurized)
~1200-1530: Aircraft access

CIRPAS Twin Otter 
The LARGE team is onsite setting up ground site observation instruments in the tower.

1. The Edwards Visitor Control Center (VCC) hours Mon – Fri 0700 – 1530 
2. Please refer to the PACE-PAX Deployment Guide for information

PACE-PAX 08/20/24 Mission Daily Schedule
NASA – PACE-PAX Plan of the Day
Tuesday 20 August 2024 (all times PT)

0630 - 0730:  Instrument teams access hands on
0730: Tow out for comms tests
NLT 1400: Return to the hangar

CIRPAS Twin Otter
The LARGE team is onsite setting up ground site observation instruments in the tower.

1. The Edwards Visitor Control Center (VCC) hours Mon – Fri 0700 – 1530
2. Please refer to the PACE-PAX Deployment Guide for information on WhatsApp groups