Stephen Broccardo: A ‘STAR’ in PACE Data Collection

NASA Blogs - Stephen Broccardo, research scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley, is the principal investigator for the Sea-going Sky-Scanning Sun-tracking Atmospheric Research Radiometer (SeaSTAR). The ship-based instrument is one of many in a campaign set out to gather data around the world to check the information that NASA’s PACE (Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem) satellite is collecting in orbit. Broccardo will use SeaSTAR for the first time in an upcoming PACE validation campaign.

Introduction to the PACE Mission for Water Quality Monitoring

NASA Video - Introduction to Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, Ocean Econtroduction to Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, Ocean Ecosystem (PACE) Hyperspectral Observations for Water Quality Monitoring Part 1: Introduction to the PACE Mission for Water Quality Monitoring ARSET Trainers: Amita Mehta Guest Instructors: Antonio Mannino Learning Objectives: 1. Review past and current hyperspectral missions useful for water quality applications 2.

Twenty-one Hours a Day on a 30-Foot Floating Science Lab

Research Vessel (RV) Blissfully is a 30-foot sailboat that is the science lab and home for two sailing scientists, Captain Gordon Ackland and myself, Dr. Bridget Seegers. The RV Blissfully is a recent addition to the fleet of research vessels. Previously, Blissfully’s days were primarily spent peacefully floating snug in a San Diego boat slip with an occasional day sail. However, Blissfully was volunteered to support the PACE-PAX campaign and therefore transitioned a month ago into RV Blissfully.