The SP2 is a laser-induced incandescence instrument primarily used for measuring the refractory BC (rBC) mass content of individual accumulation-mode aerosol particles. It is able to provide this data product independently of the total particle morphology and mixing state, and thus delivers detailed information not only about BC loadings, but also size distributions, even in exceptionally clean air. The instrument can also provide the optical size of individual particles containing rBC, and identify the presence of materials associated with the BC fraction (i.e. identify the rBC’s mixing state). Since its introduction in 2003, the SP2 has been substantially improved, and now can be considered a highly competent instrument for assessing BC loadings and mixing state in situ. NOAA deploys multiple SP2s with different designs: the first was built for the WB-57F research aircraft. Two others are rack-mounted units customized at NOAA; one of the rack mounted units can be humidified, and has been deployed with a paired dry rack-mounted SP2 as the "Humidified-Dual SP2" (HD-SP2). The rack mounted units are suitable for in-cabin operations.
Single Particle Soot Photometer (NOAA)
Instrument Type
Recent Missions
Point(s) of Contact
(Prev PI),
(POC; PI),
(Prev PI),
Range of Measurement
In situ
Measurement Sampling Rate
1.00 Hz
Data Delivery
Field data within 24 hours. Final data within 6 months (if cloud cuts, supporting data available).
90.00 kg
86.00 cm
64.00 cm
48.00 cm
(maximum )
200.00 W
500.00 W
Has Pressurized Canisters? Yes
Pallet #3 on WB-57.
The weights provided were for the WB-57F instrument; depending on configuration weight per rack-mounted instrument may vary.
Mission-Specific Writeups
Huang, X.-F., et al. (2011), Black carbon measurements in the Pearl River Delta region of China, J. Geophys. Res., 116.
Schwarz, J., et al. (2010), Global‐scale black carbon profiles observed in the remote atmosphere and compared to models, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L18812, doi:10.1029/2010GL044372.
Schwarz, J., et al. (2006), Single-particle measurements of midlatitude black carbon and light-scattering aerosols from the boundary layer to the lower stratosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D16207, doi:10.1029/2006JD007076.
Myhre, G., et al. (2009), Modelled radiative forcing of the direct aerosol effect with multi-observation evaluation, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 1365-1392, doi:10.5194/acp-9-1365-2009.
Schwarz, J., et al. (2017), Aircraft measurements of black carbon vertical profiles show upper tropospheric variability and stability, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, doi:10.1002/2016GL071241.
Perring, A., et al. (2017), In situ measurements of water uptake by black carbon-containing aerosol in wildfire plumes, J. Geophys. Res., 122, 1086-1097, doi:10.1002/2016JD025688.
Perring, A., et al. (2013), Evaluation of a Perpendicular Inlet for Airborne Sampling of Interstitial Submicron Black-Carbon Aerosol, Aerosol Sci. Tech., 47, 1066-1072, doi:10.1080/02786826.2013.821196.
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