Atmospheric Fate of Chlorobromomethane: Rate Constant for the Reaction with OH,...

Orkin, V. L., V. G. Khamaganov, A. G. Guschin, R. E. Huie, and M. J. Kurylo (1997), Atmospheric Fate of Chlorobromomethane: Rate Constant for the Reaction with OH, UV Spectrum, and Water Solubility, J. Phys. Chem. A, 101, 174-178.

The rate constant for the reaction of CH2ClBr with OH was measured by both flash photolysis resonance fluorescence and discharge flow electron paramagnetic resonance techniques over the temperature range 277-370 K.  The Arrhenius expression (3.04 +0.8/-0.6)×10-12×exp{-(978 ± 72)/T} cm3molecule-1s-1 was derived from a composite fit to both data sets. Absorption cross-sections of CH2ClBr were measured from 187 to 290 nm at 295 K. The solubility of CH2ClBr in water was also estimated to determine if such a process could be important in determining the atmospheric lifetime of CH2ClBr. The atmospheric lifetime and ozone depletion potential for CH2ClBr were estimated.

Research Program: 
Upper Atmosphere Research Program (UARP)