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ARCSIX 05/31/24 Mission Daily Schedule

0415 Science Go/No-go (via WhatsApp message)
1000 F&FP in Bldg. 201
P-3 Timeline
0430 - P-3 Access and power on ( if No-go reverting to 0800-1630 access)
0500 - Flight Safety video for any new flyers
0630 - Tow out
0645 - Power back on
0700 - Combo P-3/GIII preflight brief at Hangar 8, conference room
0730 - Doors close
0800 - Takeoff
1520 - RTB (7.3 h flight)
G-III Timeline
0700 - Tow out
0700 - Combo P-3/GIII preflight brief at Hangar 8, conference room
0745 - Showtime
0900 - Take Off
1400 - RTB (5.0 h flight)