Synergistic TEMPO Air Quality Science
NASA’s Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of POllution (TEMPO) mission launched in April 2023 to provide geostationary observations of air quality over North America. With this addition of unprecedented high-resolution satellite measurements, the Synergistic TEMPO Air Quality Science (STAQS) mission sought to integrate TEMPO satellite observations with traditional air quality monitoring to improve understanding of air quality science and increase societal benefit of the mission.

Between June-August 2023, STAQS operated two aircraft on 17 flight days totaling to ~270 flight hours in four domains: Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago, and Toronto. Measurements include column NO2, HCHO, and methane, ozone and aerosol profiling, and methane/CO2 emission rate estimates.

The framework for STAQS stemmed from measurements strategies and collaborations developed during airborne air quality studies from the last decade. For STAQS, NASA collaborated with partners conducting complementary air quality studies in 2023 (full list summarized on the AGES+ website) building a synergistic observing system more robust than any singular entity could provide alone.
To date, measurements from STAQS and AGES+ have been heavily used in TEMPO validation, which contributed to the TEMPO team achieving provisional validation status for their NO2, HCHO, and ozone products in December 2024. Ongoing work includes, but is not limited to continued evaluation of TEMPO level 2 products geo-physically, spatially, and temporally, interpreting the temporal and spatial evolution of air quality events tracked by TEMPO, and improving temporal estimates of anthropogenic, biogenic, and greenhouse gas emissions.