Friday, October 28
Aircraft schedule:
- No science - all aircraft in transit back to home base
Ship and in situ plan:
- Bold Horizon
- Recover floats
- Survey as possible
- Exit the frontal area to recover gliders - CTD cast(s) to 500m upon arrival near gliders before pick up.
- Wave Gliders continue surveying eastward
- No more control center or operator meetings!
- All three aircraft flew a final science flight of the campaign over a still evolving frontal feature. The B200 has now flown 18 flights, the Otter has flown 13, and the G-III has flown 8.
- The Lagrangian floats are completing their “W Experiment” and have captured good vertical velocity data– early results show a favorable comparison of this proven method (Lagranigian floats) to DopplerScatt estimates of vertical velocity .
- Bold Horizon has continued surveying the front.
- Wave Gliders will hold their formation for a few more days before moving east to follow the front.
- Go to for a Google Earth view of the real time autonomous platform positions.