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ORACLES 09/26/18 Mission Daily Schedule

Science Flight #PRF01Y18
0430 Hotel Limited Breakfast
0530 Weather Briefing
0545 Shuttle: Hotel to Airport 
0630 Shuttle: Hotel to Airport
0715 Shuttle: Hotel to Airport (to view takeoff)
0730 P-3 doors closed
0800 P-3 takeoff - 8 hour flight
0815 Shuttle: Airport to Hotel
0900 Weather and chemical weather forecasts 
1000 Daily flight planning meeting
1100 Shuttle: Hotel to SuperCKdo to Hotel
1500 Shuttle: Hotel to Airport
1600 P-3 Landing
1615 Shuttle: Airport to Hotel

ORACLES 09/22/18 Mission Daily Schedule

September 22nd - Departure from Barbados to Cabo Verde  
0900  Take-off for a 7.5 hour flight
~1930  Arrival at Cabo Verde

Development of neural network retrievals of liquid cloud properties from multi-angle polarimetric observations

Segal-Rozenhaimer, M., et al. (2018), Development of neural network retrievals of liquid cloud properties from multi-angle polarimetric observations, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 220, 39-51, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2018.08.030.

ORACLES 08/30/18 Mission Daily Schedule

Achievements for August 30 and plan for August 31


  • An AMS component has been shipped out for repair.
  • Left this afternoon and will return when equipment is returned

UND Wing Probes

  • Rack is ready and waiting to go on
  • Right wing is wired but no power yet to 3 out of 4 instruments
  • Mechs are working power issues


ORACLES 08/29/18 Mission Daily Schedule

Achievements August 29 and plans for August 30

UND/wing probes

  • Decision to use new canister; ready to be installed and tested either late next Wed or Thurs
  • Rack will be ready to be loaded onto the plane tomorrow morning
  • Can start testing probes on the right wing
  • Left inboard side could possibly be done late tomorrow 


ORACLES 08/29/18 Mission Daily Schedule

Accomplishments August 28 and plans for August 29

UND/Cloud probes

  • Rack is populated and will be ready to load onto the plane sometime late morning.
  • Trying to locate a missing adaptor mount for one of the canisters, and exploring options for using a different one if it cannot be located.


  • Jennifer is waiting for her equipment to get back via FedEx.


ORACLES 08/22/18 Mission Daily Schedule

0800 hangar/labs open
0815 punch list meeting and a/c door open
1600 a/c power off
NLT 1615 – meeting to review work completed & tomorrow's plan
1630 mech/eng support ends
1830 hangar/labs/ a/c closed

Teams present: 4STAR, COMA, DATA, PDI, SSFR, TAMMS

ORACLES 08/16/18 Mission Daily Schedule

POD August 16th
0800 Hangar Access
0815 Aircraft Access
1630 Daily Debrief

Teams Present

Today was another long day, most teams present until 1830. (see photos in the email)

ORACLES 08/15/18 Mission Daily Schedule

0800 Hangar Open
0815 Aircraft Access
1630 Daily Debrief

Teams Present
DATA (arriving today, Aug 15th)

HiGEAR - Venturi plate mounted, air shipment packing
APR-3 Bombay work, air shipment packing
SSFR- Active leveling position and running lines
HSRL-2 Rack lifted, nadir plate, heater fan, vent, seats and instrument work

ORACLES 08/13/18 Mission Daily Schedule

POD Aug 13th
0800 Hangar Access
0815 P-3 Access

Teams Present

Teams arriving this week

Sunday (Aug 12th, 0800 to 1800, thank you Kelly) HiGEAR and APR-3 did air freight packing and continued instrument integration work.


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