PACE-PAX 09/07/24 Mission Daily Schedule
NASA – PACE-PAX Plan of the Day
Saturday, September 7, 2024 (all times PDT)

0830: Preflight Science Weather Briefing (TO Only) (Teams Meeting)
1000: Weather Briefing, Mission Status and Flight Planning Meeting (Teams Meeting)

Hard Down Day

CIRPAS Twin Otter Science Flight #4 (RF0907-TO)
0900: Pilot Brief (Teams Meeting)
1200: Takeoff
1630: Land
1700: Post Flight Brief (Teams Meeting)

RV Shearwater
No operations

PACE-PAX 08/31/24 Mission Daily Schedule

Labor Day Weekend (all times PDT)
Hard Down Days Saturday and Sunday - enjoy the weekend!
Monday, September 2, 2024
0900: Weather Briefing, Mission Status and Flight Planning Meeting (Virtual Teams meeting) for Tuesday and Wednesday
Hard Down Day
CIRPAS Twin Otter 
Hard Down Day
Tentative weekly plan
Tuesday, September 3rd: Twin Otter flight
Wednesday, September 4th: Twin Otter, possible ER-2 flight

PACE-PAX 08/30/24 Mission Daily Schedule

Meetings (all times PDT):
0830: Oceans Group Meeting (Virtual only)
0930: All Hands Meeting (AFRC: 1731 Conf. Room and virtual via weather brief Teams link)
0630 - 1100: Aircraft Access
CIRPAS Twin Otter 
0800:  Hangar Access
1. The Edwards Visitor Control Center (VCC) hours Mon – Fri 0700 – 1530 
2. Please refer to the PACE-PAX Deployment Guide for information on WhatsApp groups

PACE-PAX 08/28/24 Mission Daily Schedule

Meetings (all times PDT):
0900:  Weather Briefing, Mission Status and Flight Planning Meeting (AFRC: 1731 Conf. Room)
1300:  ER-2 Weather Brief (AFRC: 1731 Conf. Room)
NASA ER-2: Check Flight 
0600: Preflight Science Weather Briefing (Teams and 1731)
0630: Instruments Hands On
0700: Mission Briefing ER-2 Go/NoGo (Teams and Lab 1720)
    *NOTE: A representative from each instrument must be present*
0730: Instrument Hands Off / ER-2 Tow out
1000: ER-2 Check Flight Takeoff
1300: Landing
1345:  Flight Debrief

PACE-PAX 08/27/24 Mission Daily Schedule

Meetings (all times PDT):
0900:  Weather, Mission and Flight Planning Meeting (AFRC: 1731 Conf. Room)
1300:  ER-2 Weather Brief (AFRC: 1731 Conf. Room)

0630 - 1100: Aircraft access
1200:  Begin CST

CIRPAS Twin Otter 
0800:  Hangar access

1. The Edwards Visitor Control Center (VCC) hours Mon – Fri 0700 – 1530 
2. Please refer to the PACE-PAX Deployment Guide for information on WhatsApp groups


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