First Author Publications
Nowlan, C., et al. (2024), been contributed to by U.S. Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction , Earth and Space Science, 1, 26.
Nowlan, C., et al. (2018), Nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde measurements from the GEOstationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events (GEO-CAPE) Airborne Simulator over Houston, Texas, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 5941-5964, doi:10.5194/amt-11-5941-2018.
Note: Only publications that have been uploaded to the ESD Publications database are listed here.
Co-Authored Publications
Chong, H., et al. (2024), Global retrieval of stratospheric and tropospheric BrO columns from the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite Nadir Mapper (OMPS-NM) on board the Suomi-NPP satellite, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 2873-2916, doi:10.5194/amt-17-2873-2024.
Shutter, J.D., et al. (2024), Sc i e n c e Ad v a n c e s | Re s e ar c h Ar t i c l e, Shutter et al., Sci. Adv., 10, 2024.
Souri, A., et al. (2022), Unraveling pathways of elevated ozone induced by the 2020 lockdown in Europe by an observationally constrained regional model using TROPOMI, Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi:10.5194/acp-21-18227-2021.
Zhao, T., et al. (2022), Source and variability of formaldehyde (HCHO) at northern high latitude: an integrated satellite, aircraft, and model study, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 7163-7178, doi:10.5194/acp-22-7163-2022.
Bak, J., et al. (2021), Radiative transfer acceleration based on the principal component analysis and lookup table of corrections: optimization and application to UV ozone profile retrievals, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 2659-2672, doi:10.5194/amt-14-2659-2021.
Li, J., et al. (2021), Comprehensive evaluations of diurnal NO2 measurements during DISCOVER-AQ 2011: effects of resolution-dependent representation of NOx emissions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 11133-11160, doi:10.5194/acp-21-11133-2021.
Tang, W., et al. (2021), Assessing sub-grid variability within satellite pixels over urban regions using airborne mapping spectrometer measurements, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 4639-4655, doi:10.5194/amt-14-4639-2021.
Chong, H., et al. (2020), High-resolution mapping of SO2 using airborne observations from the T GeoTASO instrument during the KORUS-AQ field study: PCA-based vertical column retrievals ⁎, Remote Sensing of Environment, 241, 111725, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2020.111725.
Judd, L., et al. (2020), Evaluating Sentinel-5P TROPOMI tropospheric NO2 column densities with airborne and Pandora spectrometers near New York City and Long Island Sound, Atmos. Meas. Tech., doi:10.5194/amt-2020-151.
Souri, A., et al. (2020), Revisiting the effectiveness of HCHO/NO2 ratios for inferring ozone sensitivity to its precursors using high resolution airborne remote sensing observations in a high ozone episode during the KORUS-AQ campaign, Atmos. Environ., 224, 117341, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117341.
Souri, A., et al. (2020), An inversion of NOx and non-methane volatile organic compound (NMVOC) emissions using satellite observations during the KORUS-AQ campaign and implications for surface ozone over East Asia, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 9837-9854, doi:10.5194/acp-20-9837-2020.
Zhu, L., et al. (2020), Validation of satellite formaldehyde (HCHO) retrievals using observations from 12 aircraft campaigns, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 12329-12345, doi:10.5194/acp-20-12329-2020.
Abad, G.G., et al. (2019), Five decades observing Earth’s atmospheric trace gases using ultraviolet and visible backscatter solar radiation from space, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, in press (submitted), doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.04.030.
Abad, G.G., et al. (2019), Five decades observing Earth’s atmospheric trace gases using ultraviolet and visible backscatter solar radiation from space, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.04.030.
Jung, Y., et al. (2019), Explicit Aerosol Correction of OMI Formaldehyde Retrievals, Earth and Space Science, 6, 2087-2105, doi:10.1029/2019EA000702.
Souri, A., et al. (2018), First top‐down estimates of anthropogenic NOx emissions using high‐resolution airborne remote sensing observations, J. Geophys. Res., 123, 3269-3284, doi:10.1002/2017JD028009.
Souri, A.H., et al. (2018), First Top-Down Estimates of Anthropogenic NOx Emissions Using High-Resolution Airborne Remote Sensing Observations, J. Geophys. Res., 123, 3269-3284.
Sun, K., et al. (2017), Characterization of the OCO-2 instrument line shape functions using on-orbit solar measurements, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 939-953, doi:10.5194/amt-10-939-2017.
Note: Only publications that have been uploaded to the ESD Publications database are listed here.