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ARISE 09/06/14 Mission Daily Schedule

Tomorrow’s Plan – 9/7/14

1.  8:30 am: Showtime at aircraft for instrument teams

    a.  Showtime at weather for crew and planners

2.  10:30 am: Takeoff

3.  Flight Length: ~ 8.5 hours


Sunday, 9/8 Plan

1.  Hard down day for flight crew; no access to airplane

2.  Flight Planning/Science meeting – just science leads and planners needed: 10:00 am-1:00 pm (may not take this long)

    a.  Build flight plan for 9/9

    b.  Discuss science goals as required

    c.  Location: Wedgewood Lounge

3.  After 1:00 – try to get some down time